hay people


Active Member
hay guys, need a litte advise.

started growning a few months ago and its my first time, i've look around most sites to see where i can possibly find out it sex but im getting extremely confussed, if any one could give me a little help i'd be great full to send some pic's your way ,,

few pics below but if u want any closer snaps just ask :eyesmoke:
many thanks Veyebongsmilie



Junior Creatologist
put a magnifying glass in front of the lens to your camera. RIGHT UP ON THE LENS, DONT BE AFRAID TO TOUCH THE LENS WITH THE MAG GLASS. This way, you can get a way closer shot, and no blurriness. I cant really tell you what they are unless you can hook up a clearer shot of the plants up close. I dont see any balls though, so that could be a good sign, but then again, i dont see any pistils either, but like i said, that could be just cuz u need to get a closer clearer shot.

Post up closer pics n well be able to sex em if theyre sexxin ;)


Active Member
hay just grabbed some more but on a better camra, dont have a magnifi glass :( msorry but i may go get one from town if u still cant tell buy thease , thanks any way mate

Easy P

Active Member
like the king said we cant help till you get some clear close ups...i can tell you where to look though...plants show sex at the place where the leaf stem intersects with the main stem...balls for male,hairs for female...good luck.


Junior Creatologist
your pics didnt post man. Im around all day, so no big rush, just git em in whenever u can ;)


Active Member
ok, look at it but its still confusing, ill pop into town now and try to find a magnifi glass


Junior Creatologist
Still cant tell man, shits too blurry. But also, it looks like its still a little early to tell. Just like it was said up there a lil ways ^^^ checkit. If its a male, it will have balls. If female, it will have a little pitcher-type growth coming out of the innernode where your taking the pics of, and out of the pitcher, will be two white or clear hairs. You cant mistake one for the other - unless you have a hermie, in which case youll have both balls AND a vagina - kinda like jamie lee curtis before her operation at age 15. Just be patient for a few more days man. Itll be worth it, n i know how bad its killin you, im in day 5 or 6 of flowering right now, and theres no sign of sex right now for me neither - mines is kinda like Marilyn Manson in his video Dope Show, where hes lookin like a tranny mannequin


Well-Known Member
I can't be certain, but I'd guess female. I see what could be a pistil, and don't see anything ballsy looking. The plant is big enough that it should be showing it's sex plainly I think. If it had balls, I'd say you'd know it by now.
It frustrated the shit out of me my first grow (this grow). The plants were actually showing well that they were female, but I didn't see it right off because I was looking too hard, too close, and REALLY had no Idea what I was looking for. Once you actually see it, you can't mistake either one.


Active Member
in my garden all the branches are offset and all female clones so there is no question on sex once you get a female get or make a clonning machine saves a lot of hassle


Well-Known Member
theres something that looks like pistils.... but give it a few more days.... what kinda light you using ?


Active Member
check your plants and let me know if the fems branches are offset or directly across from each other i would like to know if my observation is true


Active Member
normal sun light , ill give it a week or so and see what happens, and the brances are kinda offset, maybe lol i had no idea they grow this big, the stems like 2inchs thick at the bottom. kinda excited :D


Junior Creatologist
check your plants and let me know if the fems branches are offset or directly across from each other i would like to know if my observation is true
Im sorry man, but im pretty sure that the offset branch theory is not true. There really is no telltale sign of female or male plant until sex starts to show. If this were true, then all of my plants are female - which would be the bomb. Then again, one of them could be a hermie, because i have offset branches, aswell as fuckin evenly paired branches. I hope i dont come off as an asshole, cuz im not tryin to be one, i just dont want you to get your hopes up on your plant being female just because you have offset branches, Veye. Just hang in there for a little while longer, n whenever you see a little more change where your lookin, post up some more pics - id say in about 3-4 days, post a new pic set n lemme know. We'll both know for sure by then i would say bro.

Take care, n ill smoke a shpliffy as a tribute to the pot gods n hope they hear me askin them to make all your plants female, lol.


Well-Known Member
I killed a male this year with offset branch's. I don't think your plants are showing sex yet, time will tell.


Well-Known Member
How long have you been flowering? I'm on my first grow with 7 jock horror plants and they've been in flowering for 9 days now. I can tell that one is male because it has formed small pods/balls and i've gotten rid of it. 3 I can tell are female because they have a couple small white hairs. I hope the rest will show soon and be female. What kind of lights r u using too? It might take 2-3 weeks before it shows.