Hayduke's Seldom Seen Garden


Well-Known Member
Hey man. I haven't checked you out in a while. Still looking good I see.
Thanks for the visit Shnkrmn...

After 84 days of flower and 2 days in the dark, I am trimming the Jack-the-Ripper...one down 2 to go. I will put pics of JTR #2, now trimmed, later tonight.



Well-Known Member
Well mostly cloudy and a few amber trichs...been in the dark a few days...still a few white hairs but I am done...




Well-Known Member
Sweet sweet sweet. 86 days eh! So much for an 8 week finisher, haha. Looks the bomb indeed, Hayduke.

Peace and all the best for the festivities, and a Happy Hogmanay.



Well-Known Member
Sweet sweet sweet. 86 days eh! So much for an 8 week finisher, haha. Looks the bomb indeed, Hayduke.

Peace and all the best for the festivities, and a Happy Hogmanay.

Thanks for the kind words and good wishes...(had to look that one up!)



Well-Known Member
hehe, us Scots favour the Hogmanay celebration to Xmas....more reason to get the drinking on.


Well-Known Member
hehe, us Scots favour the Hogmanay celebration to Xmas....more reason to get the drinking on.
As with most Americans...I am a bit of a mutt...Last name, English and been here since 1630 or so, a bunch of Swedish and Norwegian...but it seems like most of the women have been Scottish...the majority of my blood...but as it was the women...NO props given to Scottish culture and I therefore know near nothing beyond the famous peat smoked malts that are responsible for Scotch Whiskey and Ale...and Monty Python..."If it's not Scotch, it's CRAP!"

damn bro, that is some seriously dank shit you got there, congrats man!
Thank you sir!...about time to photo and trim JTR #1...but first some breakfast and a bit of Jilly Bean!



Well-Known Member
Trim work was so easy on this one...quite photogenic:weed:




Well-Known Member
Merry Xmas Hayduke, I am sure looking at your stash it will be a nice one. Just waking and baking with some Thelma...sssh, don't tell the wife, she'll get jealous, hee.

Peace my friend.



Well-Known Member
This girl was long ago written off as not a keeper...then about 8 weeks she started to resin up and fill in...a week or so later and I am scrambling to make sure I have a cutting of her.

edit: Happy Kwanza Eve DST! Enjoy yo' Thelma! For this holy early morn I will have a bowl of the Church before bed...




Well-Known Member
Haha, a big thumbs up indeed Hayduke, nice one!! hope you found the cutting ;)

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Haha, a big thumbs up indeed Hayduke, nice one!! hope you found the cutting ;)

Peace, DST
Yup I had taken 2 cuttings when they went into flower, gave one away as a mother, but topped her and rooted the top (nice plant now, also just topped) and I have the other cutting which has given another cutting as she got too tall...actually just did not want to move the light and it was the right thing to do!

May lose the church without a reveg as the two cuttings are not looking good...Oh but I gave that mom away also...he may still have her.

Damn you got good weight off the JTR, I only got a moderate yield from the strain myself.
Yeah I am totally surprised about the size of the colas. I got 37g's off each Jilly bean and the Church...I have a height limited small space with a 400w and usually get about 30g/plant. The JTR should be 45g+.

They stretched by 4x...and had to be bent over...some of these bends were not pretty with hollow stemmed seed plants and they kinked and one even broke to the point of needing to be taped up. The worse the break/bend...the bigger the bud! Often a LOWER cola!!!! So do not be afraid to bend those branches over if they get to close to light (super crop) and do not worry if the bend crimps and cracks...the later bends also seem to speed ripening.

2 JTR #3's...1 JTR #1...1 JB #2...1 Church in flower for 3 weeks, cleaned up lower branches and tied down tighter. Need to get the nice JTR #3 cutting repotted and under the 400.

All 3 JTR's trimmed and slowly drying.


Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Very nice, lookin like some money buds.

I also have that 4x stretch with some of my strains. Especially the Chem Sour D.

Hope the quality in flavor and aroma is abound.