Yah at first i was ecstatic when i saw 10 free Haze -Auto's in my cart.... Then after closer inspection i thought to myself "What the fuck does 2nd grade, and 90% mean.. do they have 10% chance being Hermie or Male....10% chance of Blowing up......are these magical 90% thc/cbd seeds from the land of NOD.." well no they just fucking suck...
Now we have to wonder why such a reputable company like DinaFem would give their Loyal Customers such crap as Freebies.... They must have done some tests before they left the "factory" right?.... Did they think that after receiving 4, 6 10, or even 16 or higher in some cases of free Haze -Auto fem seeds in with a germ rate of 20% (im being kind, although i know some people got lucky), and then after that horrible experience right at the forefront there NOT even AutoFlowering, that we would wanna spend our hard earned DOLLARS on there seed, well Heyll NO...
At least there lookin like Females so far...
But when a company does this to the people that trusts them, they just might stray somewhere else, with just as good, or some times better genetics and much more reliable seeds, and apparently ethics(dont get on me, i know it was just this one instance).....
I will Continue to buy from DinaFem as long they continue to clearly Label These 2nd Grade creatures of Death.... which in my opinion shouldn't even be offered as freebies, freebies should be the best seed the breeder has available, so they can showcase their skills and make you wanna buy them again.....
Sorry for the Rant people..... Im high as fuck!!