Hazeman Suggestions? First time grower! Need help with organic soil also

Flouride is anti bacterial; plaque on your teeth is bacteria so yeah it is generally bad for the herd as well but not usually as highly concentrated in tap water as chlorine. Filtration should remove it; bubbling/boiling will not. I always thought Brita filters removed it but I guess not according to google. I know there are single stage filters you can hook up to your tap to remove flouride but I still recommend using another source other than tap if you can. All I can tell you is my plants definitely get super happy when given rain or natural spring water; they pray to me in homage.

Sounds like a much better idea. What if you live near a large city? Rain water still good?
Rain is always good no matter where you are. Rain barrels are found at any home store or build one DIY; or just collect it in buckets. Snow runoff is good too; I put buckets out under the icicles.
Not sure if u found any soil yet but build a soil has really good stuff .. Michigan made mix M3 soil is awesome also they deliver it for 60$ total with shipping... Coots soil is at build a soil and there top dress kit is awesome and so is there buildabloom