Well-Known Member
Ima Ride Your Ass On This, How's School Going..... We Dont Wont Dumb Stoners Lol Db.

that girl is a clone of the medi bud yesI think it will be soon. The one I have is a clone from those? She is doing fine by the way, she like the roses close to her, the smell drives her wild. Already cut back a couple of the growing tips and will do so again after looking at Al B or Super DB's threads again. And I am probably going to order an led for her, we will see. I moved the light up to take the picture, it goes right on top of her.VV
Yes Sir.... On The Buds And More Too. Gota Go Lift The Weight, I Just Roll Phatter Doooooobeeeeee's Bro.... Are Your Weights Pink... Cause My Sister Has The Cute-est Set....cheap Bro.??? Interested??? Wait Hold On,,,,,,,ya! 2.5pnds Ea. Is That To Big For The Guns.???? Lol Db. Loll Rofl....lmfao, Lmao... A Giggle, Snort, Chuckle,giggle...pop Doooooobeeeeeee!!! 1 Mississippi 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi....wow, Im Pumped...
No problem, ill keep checking up on you as well you got a pretty nice grow going to Congratz.. Australia hmm i would watch out for powder mildew (not saying you have it) but i hear that can become a big problem over down under just a lil tip if you did not know that yetThanks HazeyEyes for checking up on me.
Great journal!