HazyEyes grow journal from begin to end

Well first of all, big bloom is not a bloom nute, and secondly it is a very good nutrient, just not in the first 3-4 weeks. After that it is a very effective nutrient to use, it helps heal damaged roots, protect against disease and pests... and much other things. Useing it at the right time, and amount however, is key to making it work.

I would say use it weeks 4 and 5, at an amount of 5-10ml. And then threw flowering at 10ml.

Goodluck mate <3
I think im going to start at like 5ml of big bloom, and 5 ml of grow big. 1/3rd of the reccomended dosage, and see how they do with that.

I would deffently hold back on the nutes for a little bit those hazy, wait until you see signs that they need some.
Small dosage is a good start, though, I reccomend spending the money and getting a tds meter. It takes the guess and check out when you're measuring by PPM. Having that kind of precision allowed me to revive my stunted/burnt plant. 2nd day of Flowering and she's happy as can be.
Well am about to buy some more seeds here soon iv been looking at diff strain any one have a suggestion ??? I really wanna have a Sativa but i like indica strains 2.
Hazilicious...your babies look sooooooo goood!!! Yeah for you Im so proud of you!!!!! Within the next week or so you might think about transplanting to their permenant home...
Woot thanks yea they look alot better than my other ones haha i plan to water them one more time with 6.3ph water then transplant them to biggger pots like you said.
Woot thanks yea they look alot better than my other ones haha i plan to water them one more time with 6.3ph water then transplant them to biggger pots like you said.
do the water one more time, then transplant, water one more good time then ease some nutes in not full force just like a fourth or a half...
do the water one more time, then transplant, water one more good time then ease some nutes in not full force just like a fourth or a half...

Sounds good i was going to put half in 2gallons so that should be about 1/4th strength then up from there.

This is for you
cough cogh just hit my facemask haha
Sounds good i was going to put half in 2gallons so that should be about 1/4th strength then up from there.

This is for you
cough cogh just hit my facemask haha
you are so funny I bet you would be a hoot to hang out with....me drinking Johnny Walker Scotch you drinkin natural light....lol
Well ill have a update 2marrow, i will also be watering tomarrow the dirt is looking pretty dry and plants are starting to droop for water ill have new pictures 2.
WELL to day is day 27 from the day my babies came up and here is a update,
i also have a couple question i see some problems with one of my plants and a small one with the other

here is the first picture this is my medi bud plant can you guys see the brown spot on the bottom leaf i cant figure out what it is


Next plant is my Bag seed, this guy seems to be yellowing from the bottom up and he is curing a little bit.


Last but not least
Sorry i like to take pictures haha:joint:

Also i just want to say that the other day i got in trouble with the law, and this morning i met with my PO officer and i dropped Dirty i guess i well, he did not say i had THC in my urine but they saw the shit i bought from my headshop to flush my system.

Soooo i might be going to jail for ALONG TIME like 2 years long soo if i quit posting am not dead.
hazy you make me want to whip your lil 19year old ass...if you are on probation and you are this far in trouble why the hell are you trying to amp that up with a growing charge? your plants are dying because karma is trying to save you from a life of pure hell, YOUR po can come in anytime and now that you are pissing dirty they have even more of an excuse...ohhh you need 2 get right!
Soo you want me to stop but yea do you think the cops will find out ??? my crop is not at my house in a diff building.
yes I think you need to stop just get through with this po time and then start over dont make it worse, please you are so young dont cripple your whole life with charges upon charges just cuz you didnt give a shit, I give a shit and I really hope you listen to me!!
yes I think you need to stop just get through with this po time and then start over dont make it worse, please you are so young dont cripple your whole life with charges upon charges just cuz you didnt give a shit, I give a shit and I really hope you listen to me!!

Fuck fuck fuck!!!!!! damnit pinksensa i know your right but i was doing this crop to help me get out of this po i have over 8 grand i need to pay off because of the fucking po pos and me being in college, shit gets overwhelming rent, food, bills, college, fines list goes on and on and 7.25 a fucking hour does not pay for that shit and most companies will not hire me because of my charges, plus i just love to grow haha but do you think the cops will see my ativite on this site??

ur right pink i should stop but well .. i guess am just making things up to keep grow ... man i feel like shit now
You shouldnt feel like shit, do the right thing and the rest will follow. You cant right paying fines by wrongly trying to make fast money you are looking at like a 6 month harvest time on cfls that arent going to yeild you nearly enough to tap 8k in fines...keep your head up and eyes focused...just keep paying...make plans now for a summer job you can go up to alaska and work at a resort look online plently of those places will pay for you to get up there then you double some money living cheap in a cool place pay up double on fines then start school in the fall and bust ass til you get it done...please just think about it!!
ur right i know it i wish i could do that alaskia thing but haha i cant leave the state .. and i wont be able to for 3 years :cry:.. i already made up my mind to quit smoking but now i quit on my babies ...o well am sure i will after this little chat or maybe give them to my buddies that grow i guess...ooo and its not CFL lol come on dont put me on ur level pink haha am using the T5s. sorry

but you never answerd my questions about my plants and my other one will cops find this site?? i know my IP address is linked to it because ur IP is on every site u visit.
ur right i know it i wish i could do that alaskia thing but haha i cant leave the state .. and i wont be able to for 3 years :cry:.. i already made up my mind to quit smoking but now i quit on my babies ...o well am sure i will after this little chat or maybe give them to my buddies that grow i guess...ooo and its not CFL lol come on dont put me on ur level pink haha am using the T5s. sorry

but you never answerd my questions about my plants and my other one will cops find this site?? i know my IP address is linked to it because ur IP is on every site u visit.

you are such a punk fucker with your t5 and this isnt a personal attack it is love....I cant answer your question about the ip addy etc...your prolly low profile enough that they arent back trakin you via a random site they think your on etc...you can get a work permit to go alaska if you wanted to you just have to STOP making fucking excuse and be accountable for your life do you get that? not responsible but accountable..