Hb 758 in texas decriminalized up to an ounce of marijuana

:sleep:waking up a dead thread, does anyone know anyone that got busted and got away with a ticket here in texas?:peace:
:sleep:waking up a dead thread, does anyone know anyone that got busted and got away with a ticket here in texas?:peace:

For sure dude, a couple of my friends have gotten tickets and their stuff confiscated. The problem is that if they find a baggy of any kind or it in two separate locations, they will hit you with distribution...bust most of the cops in Austin are pretty cool. I have never seen the problem of cops and MJ until you leave Austin and go to Llano for the day.
a friend of mine got busted in Coppell Texas with two oz of weed.

she wasn't drunk nor high. she ran a stop sign, and the two oz of dank stank up her car. when the cop walked up he smelled it right away (her account, i wasn't there)

500 ticket. she only spent the night in jail cuz she was arrested past 10pm and the judge had gone home. the cops told her they would expedite her b/c of some budget shit... she was out by 6am.

they didn't confiscate/seize her car, they towed it, but she drove it home the next day.

she didn't loose her license either. she works as a manager at a bank and she was able to make it to work.......
i got a ticket for $500 for having a CLEAN and brand new pipe in a car that smelt like weed. this was at the border patrol checkpoint in s. tx. they arrested us, i spent 15 hrs in a cell that was so cold all the crickets in the cell had been preserved, then was released with a citation. didn't show to court though, that might be a problem...