HBBum Strawberry Dream II


Well-Known Member
7 weeks in, they are finishing up now, not sure how much past 8 weeks they will make it. Pistils receding, some fox tailing and leaves have been steadily turning yellow.

IMG_20131117_094301_269_zps43eb57a4.jpg IMG_20131117_094314_535_zpse4c27e61.jpg


Well-Known Member
yeah they are quite ripe. I wish I could do something about the stems not being strong enough. As far as an experiment goes though. I have learned that I should keep it to a single plant, or I need to get a couple smaller screens so I can use them to help with support.


Well-Known Member
8 Weeks yesterday, they are looking about done. I gave a final watering last night of 1.5 gallons of pH'd water, will let them drink that up over the next few days and then chop.



Well-Known Member
Thanks, yeah I keep the on a gel in there as well, helps when I need to open door, and at this point my carbon filter is straining a little bit :D

I cut the lights off this morning for the last time. I will be chopping and removing the fan leaves when I get a chance today or tomorrow. the trichs look good and I don't think they can go much longer anyway.

I will post up yield results after they have had a chance to dry out for a week or so.


Well-Known Member
So, finally got some time to chop them this morning and convert the cabinet for drying (really just remove the light and re-route the ducting).

I think going forward I will be sticking with a single plant unless I expand the room, that or I need to finger out a better screen strategy since these girls needed more help than I could give.

You can see the stems could not eve hold up the buds:
IMG_20131127_093139_554_zps67822a3b.jpg IMG_20131127_093145_879_zpsacc04754.jpg

They are super dense and heavy, with some John Holmes style buds:)
IMG_20131127_093433_352_zps47e7e22a.jpg IMG_20131127_093425_740_zpsafebc8ce.jpg

All hanging and happy for a few days of drying:


Thanks for following along, I will post some weights up after they have dried and I get them jarred up.


Great lookin buds as always mah man. Fresh outta my own bud now hopefully I can pick up some seeds for spring =P.


Well-Known Member
Ok, all dried up and into jars for curing.

Final weight was 97g from one plant, and 92g from the second plant along with 50g of trim for hash and such. So quiet now with nothing running, but I have not decided what/when I will start my next batch from seeds.


