HE F'n killed him!!!!!!!! Are YOU F'n blind! Yes!

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
here is a pic of a young Obama leaning on a young Bill Ayers

come on Dr. do you really think Obama is not linked?? you are smarter than that and i know it. Im smart too

Apparently you're not smart enough to realize that Ayers is 16 years older than Obama, and thus cannot possibly be the kid in this picture. Is this some kind of joke?


New Member
If Bill Ayers is such a terrorist, why isn't he in prison?
Dank ...

If you do a little research, you'll find that Ayers WAS prosecuted for the bombings but the FBI used illegal wiretaps and the case was thrown out of court. Ayers has admitted to what he did as a member of the Weather Underground ... and has never repented. In fact, he's on record as saying that he's proud of what he did.



New Member
What does any of this have to do with the election? :confused:

So it's not ok for citizens to break "the law" but it is ok for the eff bee eye to break the law?

Illegal wiretaps, just the name sounds like there is a law against it.

It is really apparent that photo is a school club photo of some type. Like maybe debate team, or chess club. It does not in any way look like a group of friends just hanging out. Did you ever belong to a school club with people you didn't really like?

Better hurry and drum up another lie before McCain keels over in the middle of the night. I expected to see him kick the bucket during the debate.

Dank ...

If you do a little research, you'll find that Ayers WAS prosecuted for the bombings but the FBI used illegal wiretaps and the case was thrown out of court. Ayers has admitted to what he did as a member of the Weather Underground ... and has never repented. In fact, he's on record as saying that he's proud of what he did.



New Member
I can't wait to go nuclear! For that reason alone, (although there were a few others), I walked away with a smile. Grand slam!


Well-Known Member
Excellent question, Dank. I just don't know either. And his buddy Obama running for President? What's up with that?:wall:
because several ppl belonged to that group til some of it's members went boom , do u know someone that knows someone that did a bad thing .....so why r u not in jail ......but we're back to glass houses .
who gave the taliban start up $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


New Member
I got to thinking about how he paced about during the debate and didn't really sit down in the chair that was provided for him. It reminded me of this old dog we used to have, and when his hip arthritis got really bad he'd pace around back and forth because he hurt and didn't want to sit down. It wasn't too long after that we had him put down.

I can't believe it never occured to you that the guy is about to keel over. :roll:

No. That never occurred to me.

Whether he wins or not, I'm willing to wager that he dies before the next president is elected. (2012)


New Member
here is a pic of a young Obama leaning on a young Bill Ayers

come on Dr. do you really think Obama is not linked?? you are smarter than that and i know it. Im smart too

wellcome to your disgracful president, he is going to fuck up the country so bad, i dont think it will ever be able to return after they let acorn take over and start the hords of illigals voting, it will be corruption and deception and voter fraud controlling the people

america will be destroyed from within, then I hope atleast there will be a beacan of hope somewhere else in the world were we can bring our families.

ive been an american since I was 7 years old, well officially since i was 18

how sad you people have become.

you are a fucking idiot...bill ayers is 64 years old and obama is 45...you are a miserable little person...

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
Dank ...

If you do a little research, you'll find that Ayers WAS prosecuted for the bombings but the FBI used illegal wiretaps and the case was thrown out of court. Ayers has admitted to what he did as a member of the Weather Underground ... and has never repented. In fact, he's on record as saying that he's proud of what he did.

He did serve a few years in prison, but his crimes were limited to property damage. The Weather Underground's goal was to damage or destroy military targets, and Bill Ayers wasn't responsible for any deaths.


Well-Known Member
"wellcome to your disgracful president, he is going to fuck up the country so bad, i dont think it will ever be able to return after they let acorn take over and start the hords of illigals voting, it will be corruption and deception and voter fraud controlling the people

america will be destroyed from within, then I hope atleast there will be a beacan of hope somewhere else in the world were we can bring our families."

Dude, ^^^^this is the most accurate description of the Bush presidency (generous use of term) I have seen yet!


Well-Known Member
Jamaica mon, It's smoky in Jamaica. I hear if you wander the streets, someone will come up and offer you smoke, is that true. I remember smoking Jamaican back in the 60s-70s, pretty good smoke. A lot more of that stuff on the East coast.
I was not 5 steps out of the airport when I already had someone trying to sell me a bag. I waited until I got to the hotel though before I purchased any. Its not bad, the smoke I got was not the stoniest I have ever had. It had a very floral taste to it. No matter what anyone says about Jamaica, they are the frendliest people I have ever been in contact with. Always willing to sit down talk and burn one. Was walking back form the beach either my third or fourth day, there were a couple of Rasta's smoking a huge cone in a gazebo, they invited me over and we just smoked and talked for a good 3 hours. I could go on about the place but to make a long story short, good times I look forward to returning.


Well-Known Member
I used to take R&R in Jamaica in the mid 80's, via Blackhawk helicopter flights from Grenada. Nice place, fun people. See if you can take a boat ride over to Grenada. Interesting place too, and it's very close to Jamaica (and waaaay cheaper). I buried 8,000 pounds of copper in southern Grenada in 1984. I wonder what that's worth these days. Probably quite a bit!