Headband and Chemdog! 600 watt Hps


Well-Known Member
Rules, there are growing rules??? Hmmm I guess I should pick up a rule book. I am in Southern Cali and we pretty much have perfect weather here. Check out my journal and you can see how I turned my Bubba Kush plants from healthy green to full purple plants by dropping my tent temps in the 50s during lights off period. Here is the link: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/382282-1st-grow-bagseeds-dinafem-autoflowering-42.html . Especially during the last weeks of flowering. Hopefully I dont get a ticket for going pass the 10 degree rule.


Dude come on, I'm not arguing here and rules may have been the wrong word, guidelines maybe?. There are SOO many aspects to growing is the main point here and if you find something that works then fine, go with it. I'm just saying that I have never heard of someone doing this method ever, On the contrary I've heard that you never want to let temps below 60 and not to fluctuate more than 10 degrees. Also why would you want to make your plants purple? Again something I've never heard of.

Also, I apologize if what I said sounded confrontational. I was just trying to point out that what you are doing is out of the norm, but if it works for ya, go for it.


Well-Known Member
Dude come on, I'm not arguing here and rules may have been the wrong word, guidelines maybe?. There are SOO many aspects to growing is the main point here and if you find something that works then fine, go with it. I'm just saying that I have never heard of someone doing this method ever, On the contrary I've heard that you never want to let temps below 60 and not to fluctuate more than 10 degrees. Also why would you want to make your plants purple? Again something I've never heard of.

Also, I apologize if what I said sounded confrontational. I was just trying to point out that what you are doing is out of the norm, but if it works for ya, go for it.
No worries, purple adds bud and bag appeal when you are trying to get patients so I can be their caregiver. Here is SoCal competition is tough where there are dispensaries on each block now selling meds. I am all about trying new things and going outside the box. I am only on my 2nd grow and I am still making mistakes and learning. I just did a test drowning a plant with Molasses and water instead of the rules of 2 weeks flushing with water feedings. I like trying new techniques so I can find my own comfort zone of growing. Bro I flush my plants every single time they need to be watered. I respect your opinions and I am always looking to learn. Sorry for snapping back at ya.




Well-Known Member
No worries, purple adds bud and bag appeal when you are trying to get patients so I can be their caregiver. Here is SoCal competition is tough where there are dispensaries on each block now selling meds. I am all about trying new things and going outside the box. I am only on my 2nd grow and I am still making mistakes and learning. I just did a test drowning a plant with Molasses and water instead of the rules of 2 weeks flushing with water feedings. I like trying new techniques so I can find my own comfort zone of growing. Bro I flush my plants every single time they need to be watered. I respect your opinions and I am always looking to learn. Sorry for snapping back at ya.


It's all good mate, I checked out yer shit and it seems to be working and everything looks amazing, I'll be commenting in the future on some things and am sub'd hehe. I myself only know what I've been through so far with my first grow ever and being 1 week into flowering (link in Signature). Ive read and seen in videos mostly from the Jorge Cervantes grow bible. So when i hear wierd stuff I'm usually the first to jump out and say "Explain yourself!" lol. If it sounds good though, I make a note of it for future trials.

Truth B Known

Active Member
plants put out a green purple or yellow.. or a mix.. the cold temps cause them to push more of the purple color out, i don't know if its a defense mechanism or what.. and yes bekind, thats no joke, purple can def add to the bag appeal.. depends on who's buyin.. there are strains that naturally turn, purp, blue, pink, red, orange, white, all kinds of colors without dropped temp as well... when a bud, no matter the color while growing, is fully ripe, the hairs will have turned a drk amber color and somewhat shriveled onto the bud. i say this all the time, if you think your crop is done, wait a week.. words from soma- check this video ((((soma video))))



Well-Known Member
yo what up everyone! Sorry man been a hell of last few days! Busy as can be.. Anyway no worries on the conversation thats going on! I love active threads.. Theres so many different ways to do different things there's always going to be differences! I have a shit ton of pics that i'm about to upload and the ladies are fucking huge! They all look amazing expect a few leaf ends curling upwords! I think its nute burn cause i think i seen the same thing in your thread BKB, and i'm pretty sure thats what you figured it to be.. I just been flushing with plain ph'd water. I can't believe how big they've gotten i'm so excited!




Well-Known Member
:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:BuddyJesus, Things are looking awesome my friend!! Sorry I haven't been able to drop by for a while, I've been busy with a bunch of seedlings. anyways, I love the DWC setup and the pics and everything:weed::weed::weed::weed:

Truth B Known

Active Member
whoa!! you weren't f'n joking when you said you were building some dwc buckets!!! NICE!! is this your own design or you follow a book or website? everything lookin great homeboy!!! don't know what those little spots on the leaves are but could be from too strong of spray or N deficiency.. but i don't think there's a problem, lookin lovely bro..


Well-Known Member
Hey bro plants look good. Nice job on the cloner too!!! I did some research and found out that I did not nute burn my plant at all, its a Calcium deficiency I had with my Jack Herer. It kind of looks like yours too, especially if they are flowering....You might want to get some Cal/Mag for your girls. I could be off too but thats what I would say from the looks of the pics. Now if your using nutes that has Cal/Mag in then you might have a pH problem in your soil cause it could be blocking it out. Or I could be completely wrong but someone should be able to help. If not then go post something on Marijuana Plant Problems you dont want it becoming a problem in the near future. Hoped that helped.

Here is some info on them:

Calcium (Ca) is fundamental to cell manufacture and growth. Soil gardeners use dolomite lime, which contains calcium and magnesium, to keep the soil sweet or buffered. Rockwool gardeners use calcium to buffer excess nutrients. Calcium moves slowly within the plant and tends to concentrate in roots and older growth. Consequently young growth shows deficiency signs first. Deficient leaf tips, edges and new growth will turn brown and die back. If too much calcium is applied early in life, it will stunt growth as well. It will also flocculate when a concentrated form is combined with potassium.

Manganese (Mg) works with plant enzymes to reduce nitrates before producing proteins. A lack of manganese turns young leaves a mottled yellow or brown.




Well-Known Member
whoa!! you weren't f'n joking when you said you were building some dwc buckets!!! NICE!! is this your own design or you follow a book or website? everything lookin great homeboy!!! don't know what those little spots on the leaves are but could be from too strong of spray or N deficiency.. but i don't think there's a problem, lookin lovely bro..
Sup man yea that design is one i found off of grasscity.com its a pretty intense little cloner! Not the DWC bucket that i'm going to build tomorrow night though! Yea i'm not really to worried about the spots.. I just went and check on them and they seem to be doing a lot better since the flush!

:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:BuddyJesus, Things are looking awesome my friend!! Sorry I haven't been able to drop by for a while, I've been busy with a bunch of seedlings. anyways, I love the DWC setup and the pics and everything:weed::weed::weed::weed:
Yo glad things are going good for you man! No worries bout stopping by man! I know how things go! This last week man has been killer for me.. But thanks for stopping by and the kind words!


Well-Known Member
Hey bro plants look good. Nice job on the cloner too!!! I did some research and found out that I did not nute burn my plant at all, its a Calcium deficiency I had with my Jack Herer. It kind of looks like yours too, especially if they are flowering....You might want to get some Cal/Mag for your girls. I could be off too but thats what I would say from the looks of the pics. Now if your using nutes that has Cal/Mag in then you might have a pH problem in your soil cause it could be blocking it out. Or I could be completely wrong but someone should be able to help. If not then go post something on Marijuana Plant Problems you dont want it becoming a problem in the near future. Hoped that helped.

Here is some info on them:

Calcium (Ca) is fundamental to cell manufacture and growth. Soil gardeners use dolomite lime, which contains calcium and magnesium, to keep the soil sweet or buffered. Rockwool gardeners use calcium to buffer excess nutrients. Calcium moves slowly within the plant and tends to concentrate in roots and older growth. Consequently young growth shows deficiency signs first. Deficient leaf tips, edges and new growth will turn brown and die back. If too much calcium is applied early in life, it will stunt growth as well. It will also flocculate when a concentrated form is combined with potassium.

Manganese (Mg) works with plant enzymes to reduce nitrates before producing proteins. A lack of manganese turns young leaves a mottled yellow or brown.


Sup man!! You know someone else told me that it could be a cal/mag thing too! I have to see what the strengths of cal/mag are in my nutes.. I'll pick some up anyway just to have it ready! The cloner man is sick! if you're looking to build one lemme know i'll get the link to where i found this one. Seriously some crazy amount of spray! And the damn thing is pretty quite! Since i flushed with just ph'd water they've been getting better looking. Think i might do another flush then back to the nutes! You think that sounds good?


Well-Known Member
Sup man!! You know someone else told me that it could be a cal/mag thing too! I have to see what the strengths of cal/mag are in my nutes.. I'll pick some up anyway just to have it ready! The cloner man is sick! if you're looking to build one lemme know i'll get the link to where i found this one. Seriously some crazy amount of spray! And the damn thing is pretty quite! Since i flushed with just ph'd water they've been getting better looking. Think i might do another flush then back to the nutes! You think that sounds good?
Do what your plant tells you to do.....Another vital part in growing is to learn how to read your plants. When you say "Flushed with just pH'd water" how much pH'd water do you use and what are you pH'ing your water to? Are you talking about "Making It Rain" the way I feed my plants? As for cloning goes, I just use a Riot Root Plugs, Humidity Dome, Heating Pad.




Well-Known Member
Do what your plant tells you to do.....Another vital part in growing is to learn how to read your plants. When you say "Flushed with just pH'd water" how much pH'd water do you use and what are you pH'ing your water to? Are you talking about "Making It Rain" the way I feed my plants? As for cloning goes, I just use a Riot Root Plugs, Humidity Dome, Heating Pad.


What I did for flushing was water with about double or so the size containers that I'm using with it ph'd to 6.3-6.5.. I'm gonna check and see how they are doing tonight after work and decide if I wanna flush one more time. I picked up some cal/mag last night too so I have that just incase.


Active Member
Hey man been waitin for an update! Looks like you've been busy that's badass. Good work buddy j!


Well-Known Member
I recommend a minimum of 3 times the size of the container she is in......If its a 1 gallon container, take 3 gallons of water and pH that to 5.8-6.0. Pour all that through her and wait like 15 minutes then take 1 gallon of your nute mix and ph that to 6.5 and send that through her....Wait a day or two and watch how she perks up. Now I am using an example of a 1 gallon container so you are going to do the math for your size containers. Try it with one plant, your worse looking plant that you have! Dont be scared of the 5.8pH water, I know its probably crazy sounding but it will work. I wont tell you to do something to your plant that I dont do to mine. She will be fine, go for it and watch what a difference you see. Thats how I feed my plants every feeding and they get nutes every feeding too because of the flush!! PM if you have any questions. Post pics of before and after you do this to your plant.




Well-Known Member
I recommend a minimum of 3 times the size of the container she is in......If its a 1 gallon container, take 3 gallons of water and pH that to 5.8-6.0. Pour all that through her and wait like 15 minutes then take 1 gallon of your nute mix and ph that to 6.5 and send that through her....Wait a day or two and watch how she perks up. Now I am using an example of a 1 gallon container so you are going to do the math for your size containers. Try it with one plant, your worse looking plant that you have! Dont be scared of the 5.8pH water, I know its probably crazy sounding but it will work. I wont tell you to do something to your plant that I dont do to mine. She will be fine, go for it and watch what a difference you see. Thats how I feed my plants every feeding and they get nutes every feeding too because of the flush!! PM if you have any questions. Post pics of before and after you do this to your plant.


Hell ya man! Im going to check on them in a little bit! I'll do that tonight.. I'll take pics of it too.. so i'm using 3 gallon pots so i should flush with 9 gallons of 5.8 to 6.0 ph'd water.. Then do a gallon with 6.5 and nutes!


Well-Known Member
Hey man been waitin for an update! Looks like you've been busy that's badass. Good work buddy j!
Thanks Shell!! Been busy indeed man.. Getting my clones ready for a transplant this weekend.. Gonna see if i can get some of these purple urkel clones from a buddy also this weekend! Can't wait