Greetings neighbors of the great white north. As you can see the US. is busy morphing from an inept, corrupt, oligarchy, run by mafias under the guise of political parties, into an inept, corrupt, oligarchy, run by P.T. Barnum. As an aside, I'd like to invite ya'll to come on down this winter. It may be your last chance for a while as our police state masters will, no doubt, begin cheek swabs at the border, banning over 99% of Canadian RIU. members, I'm sure. Warm, sunny, FL. is happy to be your host, and since inflation has made vending machines bill friendly we don't even bitch about your coins anymore. That said, Health Canada fought tooth and nail to ban caretaker and patient mmj production. Now 1(?) year or so after being vanquished by Vick the Viper and a sage judge, they have capped mmj. by price and limited covered quantity, claiming fiscal restraint. My question is. What was the game plan behind this whole, seemingly, Three Stooges planned/administered program?