healthy looking plant all leaves stretched straight up


Well-Known Member
seedling about 2 months onld maybe looks heathy but it seems its growth has stunted. and all leaves are up, no curling no burnt ends. i think its a light issue? had it maybe 4" from t5, seems to relax a bit 12"-18" from bulbs but not much.

any advise friends?
ya i know.. ill get some up soon. they seem to be relaxing a bit. i think it was the lighting to be honest. im thinking they dont like my coral t5's. they seem to like the hps the best, but they are under standard t5 gow bulbs now plus veg nutes is only change
That stretching issue could be ok but could be bad. I know heat for a fact causes them to look like they are stretching up. I had just got through smokin some ogre kush and figured id change my overhead bulb to something stronger since I have two girls in flower. Not paying attention I grabbed the wrong bulb. A 220watt heat solared cfl. I chngd bulbs n within 2min the plant had hands up. Shortly afterwards(i was monitoring it) the top cola and a few leaves began to burn. I quickly chngd bulbs and the plant went back normal except for the burn. Some stativa strain grow like that, always wanting to stretch. Are you in flower cycle? Flower cycle can cause a growth splurt of 2-3x its original height. I hope I was able to help.
Leaves reaching for light is generally a 'good' thing.. means their are awake and responsive and 'goin for it'.
Generally if they are pointing up and it is heat related, they will start to canoe upwards rather than just look perky.

But heat is a valid consideration indeed.
I call it cheering plants and am usually happy to see it as I assume that means they are happy too. Had it under HPS as well, even with one out of 5 of the same plants. In early stage it does often mean they are just reaching for the light and doesn't necessarily mean they are doing "better", but, never seen an unhealthy/weak one cheer, so I usually take it as a good sign. Might think different after pics - should be mandatory for starting threads in this forum :)
arg.. months, somehow I read weeks. Yeah, I need pics... :lol:

He probably just means he started from seed and not clone.
My clones that are well rooted do this when they are thirsty and the soil has dried. As soon as i give them a drink they go back to normal. No canoeing thow.