Healthy or Not ?


Stretchy stem + slow growth = Not enough light...
I think the experts will require more details to diagnose your plant.



Active Member
Looks fine to me. Probably needs a better light. Clearly im sure theres spots you can improve on. More info you give the more people will respond and the more help they can be.

Start with what lights your using, soil, nutes (shouldnt be any yet) the temps and rh the plants are in. Strain (looks indica). Distance lights are.. ect.

There are ao many factors that effect these plants a simple picture wont do.


New Member
Thanks everyone for answering I appreciate it. The soil im using is miracle grow and light: is the sun. I water it every 2 - 3 days and I havent started using nutes. I really want to make the plant small and bushy: do you guys think I will kill the plant if I top it ?


Active Member
I wouldn't top until around 4-5 nodes have formed. That's personal preference.i top clones at around 6-7 inches. Seedling I would wait a little longer


Active Member
Thanks everyone for answering I appreciate it. The soil im using is miracle grow and light: is the sun. I water it every 2 - 3 days and I havent started using nutes. I really want to make the plant small and bushy: do you guys think I will kill the plant if I top it ?
I totally agree with Mobileaudio25 !! :leaf:

To answer your question, no it won't die if you top