healthy people in scooters that the store provides for the diabled.

I luv how people with "disabilities" use it as an excuse when they do something questionable, and seniors, bunch of assholes lmfao
But if u try and treat them according to their condition they drop the " i wanna be treated like everyone else card".
I also randomly said good morning to a man the other day, while having my morning smoke, he actually stopped , and said " wow, not often i hear that anymore, thank u" his morning sleepy face immediately faded and a cheerful grin appeared :)
Honestly, I'd have to be half dead and dragged into a scooter, and then i'd die of humiliation once I got in it. If I can't walk, I will pay someone to shop for me.
the last time i saw one driving the scooter it worked out ok because when i was finished with him he had a reason to be riding it
Why can't a blind person pick things up? obviously she heard the things fall off of the shelf.

Fuck that, that's just laziness.

The store was full of people. I don't think she realized she had knocked anything off. That's why I hurried to pick the stuff up. There were too many people in the aisle and someone would have missed seeing it.