Healthy Plants Whats Wrong? Master Kush! Pics


Well-Known Member
My plants look fine, leaves look green no yellowing.
My medium is rockwool cubes, I water 1x every 2 days ( I felt the pot and its still heavy with water).
Ph 5.8

But my leaves are very droopy.
What do you guys think the problem is?



Well-Known Member
not baggin on u aight... its not that ur leaves r droopin, its that ur stems are way to thin. looks as though u had a bit of stretchin. go under the grow FAQ look up increasin yeilds, (supercropping).:peace:

EDIT: plants look great by the way.... keep up the good grow...


Active Member
the plant look to have good color and the leaves dont seem to be drooping that much. i agree that they have stretched abit


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the respsonse,
How do i stop it from stretching? These are going to be my mother plants and are about a month old.


Well-Known Member
they strech if there isnt enough light i.e not strong enough bulb or lamp 2 far away... they strect to get as close as possible to the light... they dont look 2 bad but i would go about another 10-20 cm closer to the plants also i know u water every 2 days but try every 3 days as the purple in the stems is a sign of over watering which could also cause droopy leafs


Well-Known Member
to reduce streching keep lights as close as possible, keep day and night temps as close as possible and dont give any N 1 week before flowerning and dont give any N til 21 day flowerning.........
what lights? any fan?


Well-Known Member
Im using 8bulb t5 flor. But only 4 of them on.
The lights are about 2-4 in. away from the top of the plants.

Any other ideas why my leaves are droopy?


Well-Known Member
they also wont stretch in the dark 18/6 is the best combination for veg but personly i would get a 400-1000w cfl


Well-Known Member
what are day and night temps??
keeping them as close as possible will reduce stress.....
what nutes??


Well-Known Member
I think it may be a lack of light mate (within its daylight time)... A little nitro may help to but dont over do it.


Well-Known Member
Good news, my lights ussualy shut off 12am-6am. but i left them on last night and my babies all perked up.
I was using only 4bulbs on my 8 bulb but now i turned them all on.
Thanks eveyrone



Well-Known Member
feed them more, i feed mine 4 times a day in veg and right now 6 a day just 2 see what theyll do, more nutes!! your growin in rw not soil, and cut bigger holes you want the nutes 2 drain after every feeding you dont want any stale water, 750 ppm is not enough for plants that size im at 750 my second week then up 2 1200, if you want 2 stop the strech pinch the tops theyll stop growin up for a min and you getmajor bottom growth, your growin hydro feed them push them, i push mine 2 there max and i know they lov it cuz i get major new growth every night, i just read that your using 4 of 8 tubes thats not enough light thats why your plants are so thin and bendy, also dont feed as much as i said if thats all the light your using but still feed them more, put some real light on them youll se a major change