Heard of Drank??


Active Member
You guys have it all wrong. If your refering to the famous "Purple Drank" it's main ingrediants are Hydrocodene(sp?) and Promethezyne in liquid form. Basicly it's a liquid form of a Vicodin(pill) but a hell of alot stronger. From personal expirience I would say its one of the most disgusting things to drink, in no way shape or form have I EVER heard of anyone enjoying the actual taste of the drink as it tastes like straight up robotussin but a few times stronger. Don't know where all this talk of melatonin came from?? But yeah it will straight knock you on your ass.


Well-Known Member
You guys have it all wrong. If your refering to the famous "Purple Drank" it's main ingrediants are Hydrocodene(sp?) and Promethezyne in liquid form. Basicly it's a liquid form of a Vicodin(pill) but a hell of alot stronger. From personal expirience I would say its one of the most disgusting things to drink, in no way shape or form have I EVER heard of anyone enjoying the actual taste of the drink as it tastes like straight up robotussin but a few times stronger. Don't know where all this talk of melatonin came from?? But yeah it will straight knock you on your ass.
Yeah that is the historical version of "p drank". It's also the recipe that thugs like to push, ime. It's sort of the same (cough syrups), and sort of different (add what is essentially vic + tylenol).

The average suburbanite teen has more access to 'tussin, kool-aid, and jolly ranchers than promethezyne (which is cough syrup like 'tussin) and hydroco-anything.

I don't know where "purple drank" started to be used in reference to 'tussin based drinks, but back in the day in the midwest is was the tussin mix (or variations of).

The talk of melatonin came from the ingredients of the commercial purple drink posted in this thread, and is the original topic of the thread.


Active Member
No we don't. How about you go read the first page.

Iluv2blaze you're a little late.

It's beel hell to come across the real deal out of the bottle, its being k-rolled before its hits outer areas. The price tag is a little high as well I remember when aces were 20 bucks.