heard voices while high

thump easy

Well-Known Member
first dont listen to the voice their other sujestions, if you played with the wigi board?? second dont list to the voices they are another entitie you have to be firm with yourself and know that the crazzy thoughts that are not like you to think such things is realy not you its another force thats trying to make you self consous, DONT LISTEN AND TELL IT TO LEAVE IN THE NAME OF GOD! it will pic at you but you have control over your mind you need to read joyce mayers book battle of the mind.. some people listen to the vioces and you now their way off shit you gota know some of the crazzy shit that pops in your head and you think WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME THINKING THOSE THINGS well thier not your thoughts i have them some times like today i was already ploting on following some of these cats after the show with a few cousins and kick in their door like back in the day. AND WIP THE LIVEING FUCKEN SHIT OUT OF THEM.. and then i thought wait THUMPER WAIT do you want to go to jail again.. and then i took a few breaths come on know thats not me,, let it ride let it ride.... but thats just an exzample.. lolz dont listen read a that book for realz im not kidding... i got horns tatooed on my head believe me im a head case..take me to your breader 007.jpgkinda like this and take me to your breader or leader!!! but i tell myself no no cant do that after 2014 cup.. Its a joke lolz but realy you need to read that book thats not a joke..


New Member
ok guys thanks all for your input and advice.
the whole of last yesterday and last night i couldnt sleep well being scared for some reason, turned my night lamp on and tv on to go sleep my mind felt weak and light and i didnt feel right, today i felt alittle off elsewell. really weird cant explain it, like not myself, feeling light.
but then i had a shower and felt better.
ill try and meet up my friend soon and see how things go. thanks

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Did you let the black eyed children in to use your phone?? Jk I hope you feel better just go kick it with your friend bro and seriously get a girlfriend!

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member

We highly recommend that you stop smoking pot and go visit a professional.
Don't withhold any information, tell him/her everything you have done and have experienced.
Dr. Henry Jekyll

Many people think we are crazy and/or psychopathic but if you understand your own situation then you can learn to deal with it.
I don't often agree with the doctor, but you really need to consult with an expert, not the wanna be physiologists on this pot grow site.
Mr. Edward Hyde


Active Member
Lol don't listen to anyone on here there not doctors but I am...just kidding I'm not a doctor just really high right now -.- I have personally never heard voices but if I did I'm sure I would go bat shit crazy! I say continue smoking marijuana but just take smaller hits till you get used to the groove of things! If I go a long time without smoking 3+ months I take maybe a hit or 1/2 a hit wait about a hour then take a few more just to let my body know it's about to get super stoned!!! Good luck


Well-Known Member
"Lol don't listen to anyone on here there not doctors"
Are you sure about that? I think there are a couple medical professionals on this forum :)

Never met a psychologist on riu though! Crazy people are interesting ..I say smoke away lol..... seriously you sound like a teen..just sing every little thing, gonna be alright..