I wish there was such a strain! I suffered from really bad GERD for almost 4 months. It went away all of a sudden, but sometimes I will still get bad reflux/heart burn.I freaking hate Heart Burn.
When I get heartburn, I'll drink a small glass of milk and if that doesn't work. I will eat a spoonful of mustard and that never fails. Taste nasty as hell, but it works....Is there a strain that can help with heartburn??? Be awesome if there is?? Calcium Skunk 74!!! sounds nice LOL
I get heartburn from smoking, ain't that a bitch?
After years of just putting up with it, I finally bought a $4 bottle of TUMS. They work in seconds.
you heard wrong...sorry!i heard the best thing for heartburn is water thats what i drink and it seems to work and never drink milk it makes it worst
Yes i get severe acid reflux if i eat the wrong foods or get stressed, i've tried tums, rolaids, pepto, nothing worked!! i was chatting with my grandma , a retired ER nurse, she said to take a tablespoon of vinager, i was like not gonna happen, finaly i did and found relief, now if i get that feeling that is what i do. And mine was bad enough that the back of my throat was so swollen my hangy ball thing was touching my tongue.
I get heartburn from smoking, ain't that a bitch?
After years of just putting up with it, I finally bought a $4 bottle of TUMS. They work in seconds.
Lol. That sounds very interesting. Definitely going to give it a try, though.pickle juice....bestest stuff ever