Heart Burn/Acid Reflux. Anyone?


Well-Known Member
Just got done eating a sub and cookie; now it feels like I have to keep on hacking something up. Anyone else suffer from heart burn/acid reflux?
yeah, I have heartburn right now from a bowl of chili and about 30 jalapenos that I ate at the horse races today. ugh.
I freaking hate Heart Burn.

When I get heartburn, I'll drink a small glass of milk and if that doesn't work. I will eat a spoonful of mustard and that never fails. Taste nasty as hell, but it works....Is there a strain that can help with heartburn??? Be awesome if there is?? Calcium Skunk 74!!! sounds nice LOL
I freaking hate Heart Burn.

When I get heartburn, I'll drink a small glass of milk and if that doesn't work. I will eat a spoonful of mustard and that never fails. Taste nasty as hell, but it works....Is there a strain that can help with heartburn??? Be awesome if there is?? Calcium Skunk 74!!! sounds nice LOL
I wish there was such a strain! I suffered from really bad GERD for almost 4 months. It went away all of a sudden, but sometimes I will still get bad reflux/heart burn.
I get heartburn from smoking, ain't that a bitch?
After years of just putting up with it, I finally bought a $4 bottle of TUMS. They work in seconds.
I get heartburn from smoking, ain't that a bitch?
After years of just putting up with it, I finally bought a $4 bottle of TUMS. They work in seconds.

I get heart burn sometimes when I smoke, Its that fucking mexican dirt Swag weed. Im so tired of this crap. Im so excited about smoking my good bud. It will be one of the first times I have smoked anything besides swag an I have been smoking for 8 years now.
lol, time to say goodbye to fizzy drinks and caffeine..... nicotene is also quite a trigger. Lol, I have tumms bottles everywhere for conveniance.... the fruit flavoured ones are the best.
I do, suffered GERD for about 4 yrs now. Not sure what caused it but man it never goes away. TUMs....ha I wish I could use Tums. I take prilosec and my stomach laughs at me as it release toxic mustard gas into my throat.......I’m def sick of it. I have resorted to taking PPI's which turn off a number of the acid pumps in my stomach. The meds I’m on (protonix) work great but the most unfortunate side affect is the IBS. I have made cheese a part of my diet just so I am not exploding. Reflux suck but the best way to control it is "lifestyle change" which means losing weight (big contributor) and watching what you eat. Keep a food diary and write down what causes it and what does not. For me things like...wine, spicy, fried, citrus, ciggs, beer, liquor, tomato based stuff and even bananas give me intense heart burn. I have learned to live with it as best as I can. I use my meds daily and just chug milk for flare ups. Don’t eat before going to bed or while in bed, sleep with your torso slightly elevated wear loose clothing and just kind of grit your teeth when it gets bad. I have tried all the at home stuff even did shots of vinegar (and that was just awful by the way). There are several prescription meds available out there so don’t be afraid to try them all just talk to your dr. he may recommend you get scoped to check for Esophigitis or hiatal hernia but it’s a simple quick procedure. Hope this info helps.
I get it when I drink alcohol like malt liqour or 4 locos and soda.Pop a pepcid instant relief and your good as new.They got them at like cvs and shit.
I used to get heartburn almost everytime I ate. I take Prilosec now and it never bothers me at all unless I forget to take it for a couple of days.
i heard the best thing for heartburn is water thats what i drink and it seems to work and never drink milk it makes it worst
Anything with Calcium in it can help with heartburn. But dieting it prob the best thing to do. There is nothing wrong with eating healthy.
Yes i get severe acid reflux if i eat the wrong foods or get stressed, i've tried tums, rolaids, pepto, nothing worked!! i was chatting with my grandma , a retired ER nurse, she said to take a tablespoon of vinager, i was like not gonna happen, finaly i did and found relief, now if i get that feeling that is what i do. And mine was bad enough that the back of my throat was so swollen my hangy ball thing was touching my tongue.
get some omeprazole (prilosec). yes that stuff works. i was once hospitalized for chest pain that turned out to be some leaky acid shit. it's expensive over the counter but a lot of insurance will cover prescriptions of it. i can't do tums anymore. too chalky and gross. the rolaids chews aren't bad but you need at least 2 of them and they're a bit pricy. if you get chronic hiccups try to slow your breathing when you eat because hiccups aggravate heartburn like a motherfucker.
Yes i get severe acid reflux if i eat the wrong foods or get stressed, i've tried tums, rolaids, pepto, nothing worked!! i was chatting with my grandma , a retired ER nurse, she said to take a tablespoon of vinager, i was like not gonna happen, finaly i did and found relief, now if i get that feeling that is what i do. And mine was bad enough that the back of my throat was so swollen my hangy ball thing was touching my tongue.

Yeah man, I used to use vinegar too until I got the TUMS. Much more enjoyable than vinegar, yes, especially the fruity ones.
I get heartburn from smoking, ain't that a bitch?
After years of just putting up with it, I finally bought a $4 bottle of TUMS. They work in seconds.

Yep, I have had consistent heartburn for years, I suspect due to smoking. But when I stopped smoking (cigarettes) I still continued to get the burn. TUMS works like a charm.