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Well-Known Member
goddamnit RIU! i replied to everyone and some database error came up and wouldnt let me go back. so to make a long story short, i smooth talked my way into him pretty much admitting he snagged em. and no they werent flowerin yet they were supposedly very sativa-ish. im going to beat the shit out of this fucker. my ladies are definitly dead by now this joke is a baser ass rat he has no idea what hes doin.


Well-Known Member
man that sucks i know if my plants went missing i am going hunting door to door tell i find it. hope you find it man that shit sucks fuckers need to find out the hard why of jacking weed makes we think about finding somethnig i can spray on my plants in case some fuckers take it they get sick or some shit but you can clean it off when its time i wish every plant stealer gets a bullet thats like taking some ones kids all that time and love given to the plants for that fuck off


Well-Known Member
i just found the fucker in my woods lookin for more plants!!!!! my dog was barkin so i went out there and talked to him he got so dam nervous. hes like im just lookin for a spot to put my jet skis in cause theres a lake behind the woods. i was like bullshit get the fuck off my land before i let my dog get you. he straight up ran away. and im not done with him yet i found him on facebook cause i got him to say his name


Active Member
that fucking weasel! you said your brother paint balls right?
non-lethal, a great stress reliever, and surprisingly fun....
i dunno if that kids still sneaking around your turf..


Well-Known Member
Been there.

I have had plants ganked out of my own backyard. And I knew who did it as well. It was the neighborhood juvenile delinquent dropout. Every time I encountered him he had a smart-assed comment ready for me because he knew I couldn't do shit to him off my property.

At the time I would have paid cash money for the opportunity to catch him trespassing.

On any given day I'm pretty Muslim-phobic, but I must admit they have an effective way of dealing with thieves.


Well-Known Member
that fucking weasel! you said your brother paint balls right?
non-lethal, a great stress reliever, and surprisingly fun....
i dunno if that kids still sneaking around your turf..
Shooting someone with a paintball gun gets the same consequences as a real gun...don't do that.


Well-Known Member
If its not worth diggin a grave for dont worry about it. Learm from our mistakes. All of us freedom fighters lol.


Active Member
ive recent(few days ago) had 5 auto ak47's stolen out of my garden,all a week or so away from harvest,and there a nice sunny bout as well so it would have been perfect,fuckers stole em early of course to make sure they get them,im so angry i cant describe it,and yeh dude,it does feel like your kids have been kidnapped,we've nutured them from seed(most likely)

oh well,i bet its one of my mates,but i doubt ill find out soon,itll come out eventually,and then its pain time.


Well-Known Member
sorry for your loss but i say rat the little fucker out and get his ass arrested. Turn the tables see how he likes it. That will teach him that what he did was wrong and he got his self into trouble.


Well-Known Member
you are a disgrace to potheads and growers everywhere, i hope all your shit gets jacked.......did u guys not get the memo that taking something thats not yours is stealing?
Dude...if someone were to plant shit on my land...i'd be rippin that shit up and transplanting...no thought about it.
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