Heartburn Issues! [When High]


I saw somthing about smkin cigs and eating/drinking if u eat or drink 20 to 30 min b4 or after u smoke the passage way to ypur stomach will still be open...maybe yr takin smoke to the stomach.

Ten bag

Well-Known Member
sometimes i get some propper chronic heartburn when i smoke, drinking things doesnt help, feels like my guts eating itself
i drink coffee though, only in a morning.

but it does just creep up on me when i start blazing
Hmmm, hernia? youre not supposed to have bumps there.
That is exactly what I was thinking and forgot to mention as a possibility! Although... I don't know why I would have it at such a young age. I'm turning 21 soon. Getting it checked out ASAP; I don't know how my stomach could've slipped up there LOL :clap: