Heartwarming Anime.


Well-Known Member
I'm becoming more and more obsessed with anime as time goes on. They capture storylines that it seems no other traditional type of television does. Some are very epic, some are very touching. When I was little I would watch anime and the characters were so.. Significant. Their color, their personality.. Sparkled almost. Or as I remember it anyways. One day about a year ago I started watching Inuyasha on acid and it brought back a wave of nostalgia. Everything was so significant again. I hope this makes sense to some of you. It just 'sparkled' like it used to. Since then I get the same sense every time I sit and watch it. It's relaxing. Hypnotizing. Attaches to my emotions exceptionally powerfully. It seems the older I get, the more I figure out how to have childish feelings towards things. It's kinda funny. I find an emotional attachment now to a lot of things that I watch, not only anime, anime just is something else. 5 years ago, crying at a movie would never happen, crying about girls would never happen. Nowadays I have to almost suck tears into my esophagus to not let them go out of my eyes. Why is this? Maybe I'm just a pussy. :p

I almost cried during Princess Mononoke because jesus man.. I also really really liked this one I watched called Fairy Tale. I like the whole 'I will fight to help you, even if it means the death of myself.'
Cloud Atlas did a good job at that if you have ever seen it (not anime).

BUT. I'm just an anime noob I think. Of course I like ones like Cowboy Bebop and Akira... Super epic classier ones. I also really liked black butler.

The heart warming ones though are just beautiful.
Princess Mononoke seriously about made me cry. I'm gonna watch the rest of the ghibli movies once I get some time for sure.

What are your guys' anime loves? If any of you like it.


Well-Known Member
I liked Chaos;Head, Steins;Gate, and Robotics;Notes. I also quite enjoyed Monster, Basilisk, Hellsing (both the regular and OVA versions), and Trigun.


Active Member
Nice avatar....haha.

i get the same way, just something about certain anime tugs at my heart strings xD I think like.....the third episode of Gunslinger Girl made me friggen cryyyyyy like a baby when Rico had to shoot and kill the boy she made friends with because he accidentally saw her when she was on a mission to assassinate some dude in a hotel. Oh god that got me. And Fullmetal Alchemist....such a sad story. As for something so cute I get tears in my eyes and the sudden urge to punch somebody from a cuteness overload, Chi's Sweet Home. That's a cute fuckin kitten, goddamn.

and of course, ANYTHING by Studio Ghibli is amazing! I love everything they make :3 indeed you need to get on watching those movies!


i know alot of people that like anime and stuff like that but myself i could never get into it, maybe suggest some stuffi could watch that would help me lke it more? thanks



Well-Known Member
ok I completely know where your coming from.
Heartwarming anime
Fairy tale
Gurren Lagann

Badass anime
attack of the titans
Ninja scroll
Macrosse plus
Blood +
Neogenesis Evagalion
the Gyver( on Hulu)
Blood Brothers

I love anime. A friend of mine moved back to Japan, we would send him videos of Batman and TMNT he would send us tapes of Dragon Ball Z. I've been hooked since.
I hope you enjoy these!
You may have to download some torrents to watch some of thses.


Well-Known Member
Fruits Basket was pretty heartwarming :)


also, Angelic Layer, everything Miyozaki

not heartwarming: Texhnolyze


Well-Known Member
I've just noticed myself getting more emotional as I grow older. The more life experience you have the more you can empathize with the characters and story lines. And seeing as how the good amines focus on strong story telling, you can see how it can be emotional. In animes they often build characters very well, and you get attached, useually for them to just die on you. Espescially in the movies, shows less so.

The best anime I've seen recently was a film called Paprika. Very strong, heart warming and nail biting at the same time, with an epic sound track and deep story line. I strongly recommend it to any anime fan. It kinda reminded me of Akira...An hour and a half mind trip that is pretty visually intense.

Rastafari InI

Active Member
My All time favourite show and IMO the smartest show ive ever watched is Death Note, wether you like anime or not i would recommend this its a very clever show.

I second Full Metal Alchemist this one of my favourite shows and seems to be peoples top 5 show for most anime watchers.

My favourite show ATM is gintama which has the best and most well made characters out of any show ive ever seen iit is a stupidly funny comedy with some action aswel and its still ongoing.

Also i second the guy who said Steins;gate this is a vey unique and interesting show.

If you like fighting animes where they get stronger stuff like naruto, fairy tail, then you should watch one piece its just a different but better version of them IMO.

And a really good samurai anime which everyone who watches seems to like is samurai champloo, its a very well made not cheesy and has hip-hop vibes to it.