heat a major issue?


Well-Known Member
I know heat can kill you plants and mj isnt too happy after about 85 but my question is; If mj seems to be soo sensitive to heat, how does it grow naturally in places like Afghanistan, Hawaii, Jamaica? i mean those places get hella hot and Jam and Haw are humid as shit, yet they grow some of the dankest buds around. im assuming its due to circulation so if heat of 85 is an issue for me will a couple of fans do the trick being that an ac isnt really feasible?


Active Member
You wanna be careful on how many fans you have. If you have like four in a small place like a closet or grow box and lets say your 250watt hps is in there also. Then all you're doing is creating a giant heater.

I have one floor fan in front of my grow room and another near my door to draw cool air in.
It's all about what works for you. Trial and Error. Or you could get an Ac unit for 99 bucks from walmart. Whatever floats your boat.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
to answer the original question plants that were bred to be grown indoors were bred by combining different genes to get plants that thrive the best under indoor conditions. sometimes this process can make the plant lose some of its original charictaristics like heat resistance if the plant came from somewhere hot or mold resistance if the plant came from someplace humid. cannabis has adapted to grow in conditions all over the world, and when you take any old genes and throw them under fake light with recycled humid air, they might not do as well as some mountain with fresh dry air and high uv sun. as far as using fans to control the heat, you want to position them in such a way where they blow the air away from your grow area. if they are just blowing that same air all around the grow room, like ohgr said, you are just making a big heater. i grow in a closet with a 400w hps and i have to leave the door cracked at all times so i can duct exhaust from the light hood as well as have a fan blowing pointed OUT of the closet, and then i have a "stem fan" lightly blowing on the plants and circulating the air. i have the luxury of a spare room with this closet so i don't have to worry about light inconstancies during bloom.


Active Member
not sure but i know from experience heat from an hps can really hinder plant health.

To respond to your original question, I think it might be because the light is more intense and radiant heat from being in close proximity to the bulb as apposed to a 100 degree ambient temperature outside. I asked myself the same question when my girls started wilting at 85 F.


Well-Known Member
where I'm growing MMJ outdoor it's going to be up to 110 F right now it's about 90's. will my plants die, my soils seems to be dry everyday so do I water everyday and spray the leaves few times a day? I veg my clones for a month and I have five in the ground and 7 more to go. In this picture I just water the plants so any advice would be appreciated.



Active Member
Well for a lot of us the initial cost of AC isn't shit but it is that we can't really add anything more to the electrical bill nahmean?


Well-Known Member
thing is I don't really know how much water and nutes to give to them also i'm giving them molasses.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the usefull information people! I'm prb going to go search craigs list for a cheap ac unit. I actually just removed my crappy intake fan bc I assumed the motor spinning it was making more heat then drawing in +rep for all yall