Heat and THC.


Well-Known Member
So I have heard that when cooking cannabis you have to keep an eye on how hot you let your dish get.

Is it true that at a high enough temperature the Thc degrades or breaks down.

If that is true then how the hell can you make candy with it considering the high temps used in the process?
So I am going to assume that means that hard crack candy is a bad idea and you want to stick with the lower temp candies such as fudge?
Yeah so have I. I have heard those use cannabis oil.

Be nice to find out. I would much rather pop a piece of candy in my mouth to suck on rather than eat a cookie. (I know I'm weird. a Pot head that doesn't like baked goods haha.)

Btw I love your avatar. Bump some techno, smoke a bowl, and I can stare at it forever haha.
thanks, ill tell you my favorite way to eat is i make hash butter that i keep in the freezer,in the morning i make a big bowl of oatmeal with two big scoops of hash butter and a ton of sugar and im good to go!
That does sound good :D I'll have to try. Just got done harvesting 15 Oz.

How much light are you using and what kind
I just got 3 oz ounces with over 350 watts in cfl
Its cool but I was thinking about getting a 400 watt hps and doing 8 plants vs 3 plants
Fire brought to the leaves or hash....is hotter than a boiling pot...

Just don't burn it...you need moisture...

The molecules need to be De_Carboxylized...



Some decarboxylization will take place during curing as well. This happens when the carboxyl group (COOH) located at C-2, C-4, or the end of the hydrocarbon chain at C-3 is destroyed leaving a hydrogen attached and liberating CO2.

Decarboxylization is necessary to convert cannabinoids to usable psychoactive forms; the plants (and your body) carboxylize cannabinoids to make them more soluble in water (for metabolic reactions and excretion).

Research indicates that this effect is fairly minimal during the curing process though. Decarboxylization will take place naturally very rapidly at temperatures of over 100C. So smoking and most any cooking will decarboxylize the cannabinoids. As decarboxylization occurs, the loss of CO2 will liberate a small amount of inert material making the pot more potent via concentration of the cannabinoids.