heat emergency


Active Member
so in my brow bowx i had a passive intake pullin fresh outside air and a 4" axial fan 85 cfm pullin hot exhaust...my room is 4x4x5 so 80 cubic ft. everythings been going great and we are haveing a heat wave for like a week and more to come no matter what i do my box stays at 95 degrees..i have a oscilating fan as well..i moved a fan to pull fresh air in from my intake and it brought it down to 93 but thats still high...im currently vegging with 4 26 watt cfls and 4 40 watt t5s..im at a loss my exchange rate is good but its pullin the outside hot ass air


Well-Known Member
Only thing I could think would be to invest in a window or portable a/c unit. Aside from A/C i don't know of anything else you could do....?


Active Member
thats real shitty..givin my grow op i cant put a window unit in and i cant really afford a portable


Well-Known Member
Set lites on for coolest time of day, if vegging , shorten hrs to 18, definately keep fan movin air in grow, i get hot spells also, but plants make it OK.


Well-Known Member
Mine get to 95 sometimes during the day, I just make sure I have a lot of air movement/circulation. They will grow slower than normal. My plants at three weeks look like others at two weeks.


I have the same problem man. I can't get temps below 90 in my box. Very unfortunate, just try to lower the temp in the room outside the box. My apt is set up with a hotel style AC unit which is at the farthest point away from my box in the apt (very small apt) if I turn my AC off and the temp in the apt goes up, then the temp in my box will soar.

You can however add a homemade CO2 dispenser, a high level of CO2 in your box will help to offset the negatives of the high temps.


Well-Known Member
so in my brow bowx i had a passive intake pullin fresh outside air and a 4" axial fan 85 cfm pullin hot exhaust...my room is 4x4x5 so 80 cubic ft. everythings been going great and we are haveing a heat wave for like a week and more to come no matter what i do my box stays at 95 degrees..i have a oscilating fan as well..i moved a fan to pull fresh air in from my intake and it brought it down to 93 but thats still high...im currently vegging with 4 26 watt cfls and 4 40 watt t5s..im at a loss my exchange rate is good but its pullin the outside hot ass air
my dog farts @ greater than 85cfm......

you need more rapid air exchanging, get a bigger fan!, like 120+ cfm......


Active Member
I would go to a pawn shop, look on craigslist. Think outside the box for an A/C man. My temps were getting to 100 and I found a cheap A/C for $30. Dropped my temps right down to 77. And My room is 26' by 16'.


Well-Known Member
my dog farts @ greater than 85cfm......

you need more rapid air exchanging, get a bigger fan!, like 120+ cfm......
:D yup, my cab is 2'x3'x5' and I have a 400CFM exhaust fan on full. Of course it's much less than that because it's hooked up to a cooltube and filter but it gets the job done. 85CFM is less than most 120mm PC fans lol