Heat sensing helicopters do not "see" the lights. They see heat being released from the grow house. Essentially if say there is a vent into the grow room the heat coming from the vent would be a solid 10-20 degrees higher than what is coming from a vent to another non-grow room. That is what sends up red flags. It means something in said room is emitting a large amount of heat and not a lot of things indoors do that. The point is that unless you have a server rack in a room or something similar its a good bet its a grow room. At that point all they need is a "credible witness" who claims they saw or smelled pot coming from the house. A good idea would be to have a window ac unit into the grow room. That would emit its own heat source to throw off detection as well as cool the grow room so that excess heat is not being emitted from it. You can find all this information online if you have more questions. The common misconception is that police have a magic spy camera that can see through your walls like X-ray vision. They do not, and if they did that would be a violation of your rights. And another thing, people often claim that they can't use FLIR on your house unless they have a warrant. This is not true. It was ruled in the supreme court that excess heat coming from a residence is public property much in the same way that what you throw away in the garbage becomes public property. It allows police to both use FLIR looking for high heat from your residence and go through your trash looking for clippings.