Heat issues.

Up grade to a larger out let and use the 4 inch out let to your in let ,go with something like a 6 inch out let.

You could go and get something like a cool hood'if money is a issue then a tube till you can get a hood,

I think eventually I'll do like you said and use the 4 inch as inlet and get a 6 inch as an outlet. Could I not just get another 4 inch but use it on low for the inlet and have my outlet set to high?
They look fine dude don't worry about them,by worrying about the temp's it may cause you to do something that will cause you problems,they look fine so just carry on has you are doing your doing ok...

Perhaps one of the small 6 inch clip on fans might help you,clip it onto the hood and have it blowing directly onto the bulb,there about 5/6 quid from argos,temps will lower by doing this not by much but it should lower them a bit.worth getting just in case we do have any sun this summer it's un likely,but you never know,have a look into cool tubes too there fairly cheap and really do help,

I've positioned my large 12 inch fan at the bulb the wall behind redirects the air and hits my plants still. (But aren't I just heating up the air I'm blowing at my plants? I'll get a clip on and use that for my bulb and hood.)
I've positioned my large 12 inch fan at the bulb the wall behind redirects the air and hits my plants still. (But aren't I just heating up the air I'm blowing at my plants? I'll get a clip on and use that for my bulb and hood.)
Its why you are better off having a main fan blowing air up towards the filter,so it can pull the hot air straight out the room.In time or if you have the money just up grade the out let your using now and use the out let you have now has inlet,I use a 12 inch out let 8 inch inlet,with a speed dial on,by doing that ,you can all ways use more lights if you want,

Check the humidity,the plants look fine but in flower ,you need the humidity right,or you may get mold ,its last thing you want,.If that room was mine i would do one plant,but grow bigger in veg,put table over them start flowering set table just above them and train for first 3/4 week then after that leave them,you should get a nice end result,i would bet pretty much the same what you will get from 4.

hope this helps
Its why you are better off having a main fan blowing air up towards the filter,so it can pull the hot air straight out the room.In time or if you have the money just up grade the out let your using now and use the out let you have now has inlet,I use a 12 inch out let 8 inch inlet,with a speed dial on,by doing that ,you can all ways use more lights if you want,

Check the humidity,the plants look fine but in flower ,you need the humidity right,or you may get mold ,its last thing you want,.If that room was mine i would do one plant,but grow bigger in veg,put table over them start flowering set table just above them and train for first 3/4 week then after that leave them,you should get a nice end result,i would bet pretty much the same what you will get from 4.

hope this helps
I completely understand what your saying and was suggested to me on my last grow, I did 2 under a cfl but they didn't fill my room, I can see now I have my HPs how they would have done. I may try 2 next time then just 1 see which gets me the most.
I started of doing 4,and i dropped all 4 on a tray,2 was that bad they was not worth flowering ,so i did two that first time i did two plants i got 32 oz ,since then i have never done more than 2,unless i'm sexing a strain that is pulled out once it shows sex,,and i have a clone i took of it has this becomes the new mother.

Even when i did a larger room i did 6 plants under 6 light's friends thought i was mad,till we got the final yeild,Now that room is run by a friend they only ever do 6 plants,and they round about the same amount they got from 10,I get my cut from that grow each set,just through setting the tank's once a week .Every garden i do i run on the same method 1 plant per light just big scro's
I completely understand what your saying and was suggested to me on my last grow, I did 2 under a cfl but they didn't fill my room, I can see now I have my HPs how they would have done. I may try 2 next time then just 1 see which gets me the most.
Sometimes less is more.,2 plants 196.JPG Day 45 003.JPG
I started of doing 4,and i dropped all 4 on a tray,2 was that bad they was not worth flowering ,so i did two that first time i did two plants i got 32 oz ,since then i have never done more than 2,unless i'm sexing a strain that is pulled out once it shows sex,,and i have a clone i took of it has this becomes the new mother.

Even when i did a larger room i did 6 plants under 6 light's friends thought i was mad,till we got the final yeild,Now that room is run by a friend they only ever do 6 plants,and they round about the same amount they got from 10,I get my cut from that grow each set,just through setting the tank's once a week .Every garden i do i run on the same method 1 plant per light just big scro's

Sometimes less is more.,2 plants View attachment 3699477 View attachment 3699478
Wow, what light was you using for the 32 oz and dimensions of grow space. I'll be more than happy with just an oz of each plant, in fact I'd be more than ecstatic my last grow under cfl yielded me only 14 grams dry.
2 x 600 hps,with a 3rd swinger that I drop in different areas ,after week 4.

Room 10 ft x 6 ft x 8ft but table size 8 x 4,the room above
Room fans blow air around without cooling much of anything unless the overall airflow is up and out. I am betting your exhaust fan is not cutting it. I have a 6" Hurricane centrifugal. When I first set up my room I had a little fan on my intake but removed it once I saw it was not necessary. I knew this because the fan on the intake spun like it was on high even when off...when I turned on the hurricane exhaust. I also suggest a variac speed controller for the exhaust so you can dial in the air flow you want.
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I have have heat issues myself and been adding silica to my feedin huge difference and i added a full round and goin on my second run with heat addin silica so once i have a second trial will have more of a definite answer as one strain adapts well to stress and high temps this strain im running now is very sensitive so we shall see!
OK so I went to my friends today to have a look at his setup, he's in a approx 1m x 1m x 2m cupboard with a 600 hps and temps must be OK because his 600 is about 1 foot away from tops and his plants look way better than mine. Funny thing he has no extraction whatsoever. Just a small 6 inch by 2 inch vent in the top. He has a small tower fan inside for circulation.

So instead of going for another fan to have on my inlet which will take up even more of my tiny 2 foot by 2 foot space at a cost of around 30 pounds I'm going to get a 1 m x 1m x 2m grow tent for around 55pounds.

Is this tent OK