heat mat for seeds in rockwool


Active Member
I just placed some seeds into rockwool. I seen people using heat mats to help get seeds started. I dont have a plant heat mat. So I was wanting to know if I can use a regular heating pad that is set on low? would this work the same way?
It would...but you are more likely to fry the seeds and lessen your germ rate than if you just left them alone...but putting them somewhere warm is a good idea. Totally cuts down on the time it takes for seeds to germinate. But a heating pad is asking for crispy seeds.
It would...but you are more likely to fry the seeds and lessen your germ rate than if you just left them alone...but putting them somewhere warm is a good idea. Totally cuts down on the time it takes for seeds to germinate. But a heating pad is asking for crispy seeds.

I have it on low. I also have a thick plate sitting on it. I have my rockwool sitting on the plate with a plastic solo cup over them. If you touch the plate you can barley feel any heat. Its warm but not hot.
do you have a cable box that's on all the time (only the tv off, cable box still on)? If so wrap them in a paper towel and put them in a baggie, then slide them under the cable box. They'll stay warm to help germinate, and won't fry. Works great!

oops- missed that you had em in rockwool, in that case put a towel or cardboard between the mat and the rockwool and it "should" be ok....I hope
I put mine in a papertowel in a baggie and then put all that in the bottom of the tent...there is enough warmth to get them going and no fear of drying out because of the baggie.
do you have a cable box that's on all the time (only the tv off, cable box still on)? If so wrap them in a paper towel and put them in a baggie, then slide them under the cable box. They'll stay warm to help germinate, and won't fry. Works great!

I have placed them in a paper towel already. They have cracked open. I placed them in rockwool cubes today. I thought by using a heat mat. It would make them alittle better at 1st.
In that case no need as long as it isn't cold where you have them, I say just throw them under a flouro then, no sense taking a chance on frying them.
They like it warm and humid to start out, if it's dry you might want to keep the dome over them for a few days till they establish themselves. I don't know the "ideal" temp, but I'd say mid to high 70's and your good.
I just placed some seeds into rockwool. I seen people using heat mats to help get seeds started. I dont have a plant heat mat. So I was wanting to know if I can use a regular heating pad that is set on low? would this work the same way?
Sure You can use a regular heating pad, and use it just like the words that came out of your own mouth! Set it on Low and You're good to go! The only reason I use a heating mat now is cuz someone gave it to Me! But yeah Your heating pad is just fine.
Sure You can use a regular heating pad, and use it just like the words that came out of your own mouth! Set it on Low and You're good to go! The only reason I use a heating mat now is cuz someone gave it to Me! But yeah Your heating pad is just fine.
That man could be dead by now:idea:
Shit was over 7 years ago
How did you even come across this old ass post anyways.
Not being a dick, just generally curious.
Sure You can use a regular heating pad, and use it just like the words that came out of your own mouth! Set it on Low and You're good to go! The only reason I use a heating mat now is cuz someone gave it to Me! But yeah Your heating pad is just fine.

A lot of heat mats will still heat up to full when set low as the only have one setting on or off and they just stay on less when set low. You can find low power heat mats that give a very low constant warmth which is more ideal than the other type. Placing some polystyrene sheets over it makes a better buffer zone as well.