I was having heat issues even with my 14k portable a/c. cannabis john over at thcfarm gave me a couple ideas.
1 lower your scrubber fan speed a bit to creat some positive pressure. not too much, but when you open your flower room door, you can feel the pressure a bit when opening. this make it so the scrubber isn't sucking out too much air that the intake fan cant replace in time with cooler air. this alone dropped my temps 3*.
2 im not sure how you have your intake fan set up. I have a 90* elbow inside my tent. I had it pointing down (I know stupid me, hot air rises, cold air sinks). I positioned it blowing up vs down. this again dropped my temps another 3-4*.
now once winter is almost upon us, my flower room was too cold (I hate when my flower rooms too cold--insert sarcastic tone here). so I turned the 90* elbow back down. then my floor was 69* and my canopy was 73*. so I ended up removing my 14k btu ac and put in my back up 8k btu, now im running 77* canopy and 75* floor. perfect for winter and I save a bit on my power bill....... well until I added another 600w in veg (now 1200w) and turned back on my big ass ultrasonic fogger system (8.2amp power draw).
I would run your hood cooling separate from your scrubber. I tried to do that in veg and it worked ok in winter, once summer came I had to undo everything and keep things separate once again for my temps to get to where I want them.
I also run 2x8" 720's for my 3x hoods.
I would worry 100% about mj grow smell, even if your legal. im legal and grow in an unsavory area of Detroit. you bet your ass I have zero smell emitting from my "shop". don't let anyone know you grow. its safer and easier this way.
Dude. You are the effing shit!!! THANKS SO MUCH FOR THIS INFO!!! You seriously saved me so much freaking time and hassle. I just ordered another 6 inch fan last night so I can start scrubbing soon!!!!
Hilarious, my intake vent is angled down at a 45 degree so I don't ravage my plants with fast air. I'm going to get an elbow today to point her straight up... rofl... thank you so much!
I forgot to tell you, the ambient room temperature was only 74 degrees. My 12k BTU AC was NOT on. The central heat was actually on in the house (although vents in the grow room obviously closed).
Once I start scrubbing, I will tweak my intake to get a slight positive pressure in the tent. Won't smell only leak into my house this way (which im not worried about)? I hear people don't like positive pressure when trying to deal with smell. However, I would think that just outside the grow room/tent itself would escape a little smell, not the exhaust to the building/grow if it were scrubbed properly.
So now the real question.... Do you think my cool-tube set-up vs my giant blockbuster (26x26inch) hoods, will yield that much differently? I still have the option to return the cool tubes instead, but I'm kind of liking the extra money in my pocket. With so much heat in such a small tent, I literally lost over 10 degrees by switching to the cool-tubes. However, if i start scrubbing instead of running the carbon inline... I'm thinking the big hoods will work.... at least for the winter. Damn it I REALLY don't want to remove the hoods again...... but I will if you think the yields are that much greater from a real hood vs tube. I will be using two single hortilux UVA/UVB horticulture t5 bulbs for supplemental lighting... four if i can keep the temperatures down. Probably nothing else.
I've heard mixed reviews on big hoods vs cool tubes. I know the concavity of the tube diffuses the light differently, lowering available lumens to be photosynthesized vs flat glass. However, placing the tube closer, you gain those lumens back.
Probably cool tubes to be safe with temps? HVAC is fun

Regardless; I'm flowering tonight lol. Thanks again!!!
Also should I hang the scrubber/fan combo right next to my cool tube exhaust opening? Not enough to restrict the exhaust, but to the left or to the right of the opening? Carbon scrubbers work better the higher they are placed, correct? I think the blockbuster hoods may be too heavy for that AND another 6 inch hurricane fan lol. I may have to stick with the cool-tubes. I really like not hitting my head on sharp corners
