Heat stress? Over/under water ? Babies crying for help!


Active Member
Hi. My first grow and my first post (problems straight away):
Setup: Secret Jardin DS 90
400w HPS - (250w CFL blue spectrum is on its way - fucking snow in UK everywhere so the post its late)
4" extractor with carbon filter
Temp - between 25 and 30 C (Max 40 (inside propagator - temp probe on the propagator surface, oouhh, min 18 at night)
Humidity - RH low 30%
Soil: B.A.C. Lava-Soil

Started the seeds under 400w HPS 3 feet up.
Don't know why but I have put my seedlings in the fiber cups - think it was a bad idea...anyway
Seedlings (white dwarf auto) are in heated propagator - heating on over night as the temp in the room with the tent goes down to 18C - WONT TURN IT ON ANYMORE TO WARM I THINK??

They all sprouted (five of them) - the strongest one is nearly touching the propagator cover (cover is over the plants to keep the humidity up).

Today (06/12 - one week into grow) I have removed the strongest and biggest seedling out of the humidity dome and after 8 hours one leaf looks like it partial dried out .Pls see the photo. Does it dried due to light intensity and low hum? Or is it something else. Also one other seedling have a yellow tip on the end of the leaf.

Please advise. Yo.



Active Member
what kinda soil

water when soil is dry pot should be really lite and dry to touch make sure it not wicking water from the bottom 50ml is fine if it all can drain and not get wicked back up.

hit the star


Active Member
i have my clones cuttings and seeds never directly under the light. for example if your 400 hps has a prime grow footprint of 4sq feet, put the plants on the perimeter (2 feet from bulb) and work them in a few inches each day once i see its growing healthy, on my 1000 i start off like 4-5 feet away from the bulb.

could be the light if it is too close....


Active Member
U need water on the first two. Give it just a bit so it begins to absorb. The material (pots) the seedling are in will take water in, so when it is bone dry give it a splash. You will notice the change in color on the exterior. If the container is dripping wet you gave her too much. Mist the top from time to time.


Active Member
Thanks for the comments - I think they were just drying out - I gave them 65ml water each and will wait whats going to happen today - all of the seedlings are showing a second set of leaves - the first set dried a bit so would it affect halt the growth? Can they recover? The all standing on their own just the half of the leaf that turned bright green (picture 1 above) is practical dry?? Any advise welcome.


Active Member
they will be alright, as long as there are some leaves the plant is taking in light and it is still growing, its more about your roots right now....give it water and light and it will be aight. make sure your humidity stays higher at this stage, put a wet towel on the ground or a bowl of water....it will increase the humidity if your tent has room up top hanging a towel works well...


Active Member
Another problem all same plant: leaf curled up, yellow leaves, brown/reddish spots - to much water maybe? humidity is 30% with lights on (18/6) and 50% lights off - temp with lights on 22-25C (71-77F), night 16-18C (59-64F)another one.jpganother one 3.jpganother one 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
too powerful 400w hps for tiny seedlings. buy couple cheap fluros ,stick them under there for 2-3 weeks then back under 400


Active Member
you can keep ur hps in there i went thru the exact same thing put my seedlings under the 400watter only 10inches from leaves and 2 completly dryed abd shriveld up,jus put the hps like 3 metres from seedlings till they are bigger
get a good fan in there also as the hps pumps heat out,might wanna think about leavin the light on 24/0 too
also did you get water on them when watering? this would cause the spots


Active Member
Humidity domes traps humidity- more than available outside the dome. When you remove a seedling from the dome you cant let her dry out like that. She's going to need a little help the first few days outside the dome staying moist. Just doing overdue it.


Active Member
Those babies are doing ok now ( three out of five survived) - I basically fried them a bit and they were heavily under watered - this was my first attempt so still happy that some of them survived. I got 5 barneys blue cheese going now and they doing fine - topped on today for 4 main colas - I will start the journal for them as soon as I get a bit of time. Thanks for all replies