heat stress?

Ok so I'm fairly sure my cab is to hot. It's running about 90 degrees with lights on. Drops to 65-70 with lights off. I didn't have this issue until I added more cfls. I'm running 98 watts on one space queen. I have a fan in with the plants. Pushing in fresh cool air. But its still running hot. I know I could put more fans in but I don't want to increase sound. I've read about rose growers in south America using 1500 ppm to 2000 ppm of co2 to combat the high temps. So if I was to increase co2 lvls. What would side affects be if any? I've used co2 to help plant growth. But is there a threshold were to much could harm/kill my baby. Would I have to go up to 1500 ppm ? Or could I increase it to say 500-800 ppm and get the same results? I'm growing space queen 70% sativa. In compost using organic nutes. 1 gallon pot. Any other info you need ill be glad to provide.


Well-Known Member
i would turn that fan around to push the hot air out and then have a fan blowing directly on her 90 is hot for you or me but if you have a fun going its not that bad i wouldnt mess with co2 you should address the heat issue co2 is more of a supplement your cell phone is broken you dont buy a house phone and text on your cell you buy a new cell phone


Well, if you up your CO2 your going to up your Temp as well there's no way around that , CO2 is a green house gas, a way i have found to combat the heat 85f-95f when only doing one plant is to have a fan blowing on it at all times , day and night , not just turning the air in the room , but blowing right on the plant , it will flow across the plant and leaves and cool it off , kinda like running while sweating, i can get you a few pic's if that would help more :D


Well-Known Member
Before going to co2 you'd be better off optimizing your current ventilation system. 90 degrees is at the very top end of the heat you should be putting your plants under. The plants will survive at 90-95 degrees but they won't be very happy.
I'm currently using co2 as a supplement. As for the fan blowing on the plant I'm doing that now. Was more to move the heat off the bulbs. But it hits the plant directly. Do y'all think it would be better to create a vent in the bottom and push hot air out in a sence creating a negative vacuum. Pulling air threw the vent holes down low. And pulling hot air out the top. Heat rises so should have exhaust on top ?


Well-Known Member
i apologize its early and im tired but yes hot air up cold air down low imho air circulation is more important then fans if you can have both great but you mentioned you didint want too much noise you could just pull hot air from the top with a fan and air will naturally come in from the bottom


Well-Known Member
htgsupply.com sells 250 cfm inline fans for 20 bucks throw one of those in the ceiling and heat will not be a issue ever hose it down with some wd40 initially they are kind of noisy for the first week or so untill it breaks in



Co2 is a bitch in small setups, extract the heat.. It's cheaper too. Get a bathroom extraction fan or a proper one if you can. Most of the smaller ones are enough to keep the temps down especially if you have cfls. Also if you are running your lights during the day why not switch to night.

You need a fan for circulation and a fan for extraction unless you want to set up a hvac and co2 system. My old fan was under 50db (very quiet) it was a centrifugal bathroom extraction fan. I could barely hear it and the cupboard was right next to me.

A negitave pressure in your indoor growing space is essential and serves a purpose for heat, odor and light (pulls seals together in my case), get an extractor in their and make sure it's at the top.

Co2 is dangerous for people, sounds like your set up is still in development. Co2 should be the last thing you do and only to increase your already near perfect harvest when you get to that point.