do you not suck the fresh air from outside the building having it blow through the cool tubes and then blown back outside the building thats how i have mine.
Right... the air that cools the lights does not EVER mix with the growspace air...
what CFM fan do you have blowing across the lights?
are both lights in 1 cooltube?
how much ducting do you have from start to finish? (total ducting lenghth for the lights only)
what is the temperature of the air you are using to cool the lights?
what is the temperature of the air at the opposite end? (light exhaust)
i also have a carbon filter connected to a fan blowing that outside my building and another fan sucking fresh air into the bottom of my grow cabinet from outside the building. is that correct?
That is correct.. but as Man notes below, you must have more air exiting your space than coming in...
you need to MAKE SURE no air can exit other than through the filter...
any leaks must be in the form of fresh air going into the tent..
It is correct, but for the filter to work, you need a negative pressure... ie more air going out that in. If not, you can have a positive pressure, in essence, forcing air out.... Odor will leak like crazy, and air is not being replaced fast enough...
Like he said... if the intake NEEDS to be active, it should be 3/4 cfm rating of the exhaust, and you can use fan speed controllers for this as well...
what cfm is are your fans? intake/exhaust
So you have a cooltube with 2x 600watt HPS lights with an outdoor intake and exhaust, and another intake and exhaust as well, and your temps are still over 100???? how hot is it outdoors? that makes no sense, you should be nice and cool
I agree, there is something that has not come to light yet...
I am guessing it has to be due to low cfm fans... but I have to see his numbers...