

Well-Known Member
hay guys, as this is my first grow, i dont have a good set up, im currently growing the closet in my bedroom. thing is, it is built in, and i am not able to put in any exausts.
i got a fan in there, and i open the door to get fresh air in a few times every day, BUT i gotta pritty bad heat problem.
due to the weather getting better in north england, my closet is gettin really warm and i cannot keep the closet door open all the time so the closet is gettin really hot!! (was ROASTING outside today and the closet got well over 80!!! not good)

have yall any ideas in regards to cooling the closet down bit???

(more info of my grow in my signature link)

thanks RUI :)


Active Member
You can run a 4" flexiable duct to your ceiling, where you would cut a hole in the drywall for the duct to fit into. Get yourself a 4" duct booster fan and hook it up to the ducting and you will be set. So all the hot air gets vented up into the attic, does this make sense?