Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

A big thanks to you all for keeping this thread going with your comments and system ideas,

here are the pics from the latest run:











Fuckin' Righteous Mate...:clap::clap:

You are one of the true Master Growers of RIU...:clap::clap:

Thanks you for sharing your knowledge with us... and allowing the next generation to stand on your shoulders...:clap::clap::clap:

THANK YOU!!!:razz:
Thanks for the update Heath! So glad you're still staying active with the forums. Where else can we see your grows? I've learned more from reading your threads than any other single source. Thanks mate!
Wow, what a great system!! Heath, I noticed that you have tried several different systems, as I have. What is your favorite one so far and what, if anything, would you do differently on the next one?
Lmao , great work and setup you buildt there ... thats what pays off in the end as shows on your pictures ...damn!

The more work and love you put in to building your grow room the better results ... thats just amazing nice work.
Heath, thanks for returning and updating. Great system!! Quick Question, do you have each row at a slight angle or are they level until the 45 degree bend?
Has anyone been able to find 4'' pipe in the US. I have been trying to find some and its damn near impossible. I'm thinking about just walking into home depot and asking if they carry it. Their site doesn't say that they have it but you never know.

Home Depot sells 4in abs black sewer pipe for 10 buck for 10 ft long. i use it all the time :-)
Glad to hear ya peep Heath
I've been talking about this art piece all summer,
I tour music festivals on the US West coast
Funny thing is NO ONE can visualize this machine
Oh well, had fun rappin about it with folks, maybe inspired

I Keep peeking on SB, never see them BR's up for grabs-purchased or as a bonus
Ill keep my eyes open

Almost done with touring so I can sit down before fall harvest and get on my version of your eloquence
Shootin you a PM about...
nephilthy said:
hello was wondering if you knew where to find the soil pipe heath was using,I don't even know the name of the material.thanks

I did, special order at home depot, had a flyer book chained to the rack in the sewer pipe department. NO ONE knew anything about those parts.
They are more of a construction grade material. Contractors stores would be your best source.

I gave up on em because of the expense

Im eventually get on the project, using regular 3" pvc sched 40 and for the adjustable collars,
Im going to get out the dremel and grind out a goove in the connector slip piece.
in that groove im going to go to the industrial place in town and get an O-ring that sets in the groove and seals to the 3" pvc.
Im going to make a large wooden template with dowls at each of the hexagon shapes points
Cap the ends of the long pipe, heat and bend around the template to form the shape of the system
takes about 18 feet around if the closet point is 2ft from center
each level will be cut in half for transportation and probably joined with the home made seal as well as those seals at each dam point
Just found the thread, so I see your still using the continuous system, incredible for sure, love the colors in some of those pics! :hump: Do your leaves stay green till the end in that system?
heath, thanks for sharing your awesome revolutionary hydro vert setup.

Also i was wondering how many sides this had to it... do you have a space that is empty so you can get to the inside?