Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

ive seen those but Im not gonna pay that price when I built mine for half their prices. besides, it's so much better to grow in something you built yourself.
I took a close look at those systems and watched some videos. They show you how to put it together but they dont show you how to take it apart. from what i can see, it looks like if you wanted to do a perpetual harvest in one complete system, you would have to start with the bottom tray, well, when thats done, how are you gonna take that bottom tray out for cleaning? you would need to remove all the trays above it to get to the bottom or leave it there until everything is done. these things dont just slide in on each level, they slide down from the top. Don't get me wrong, the trays are awesome, but, 1) they are only 27 inches inner diameter and, 2) the rack system looks like a bad design for removal, there is no way to leave an open front as to slide in a cookie sheet on a bakers rack.
Sorry missed your last question, the bypass is very simple on the output from the pump there is a "T" one side goes to feed the vertical and the other side of the "T" returns to the res and has a valve fitted. When I open the valve some of the output from the pump circulates into the res this helps control the flow into the vertical and also helps with oxygenation.


Hey heath! I just stumbled across you because I came up with a hydro system like your mass gro I think, I did come up wit it on my own,its similar to yours but I searched everywhere hoping I was the only one, its a little different than yours, I was wondering what your logistics were on the system, so I can compare and see if I did come up with something? great minds think alike! Hit me back so I can explain what I did( 5in. Clones turned into 4ft monsters in 37days)
Heath what's the best way to change change res without killing the plants. I'm losing a few after water changes with a similar setup
In case you haven't noticed if you are perusing this thread, Heath probably is done with this journal. It is a couple years old. This is actually my first post, but I have long been following some of these journals for ideas. I just don't like posting things at such forums so much. Anyways just because I wanted to help out people, and hopefully Heath doesn't mind, I compiled a PDF grow journal containing all of the pertinent information from this thread mostly.

Click here to access the journal in a PDF format without all of the filler in-between:

In case you haven't noticed if you are perusing this thread, Heath probably is done with this journal. It is a couple years old. This is actually my first post, but I have long been following some of these journals for ideas. I just don't like posting things at such forums so much. Anyways just because I wanted to help out people, and hopefully Heath doesn't mind, I compiled a PDF grow journal containing all of the pertinent information from this thread mostly.

Click here to access the journal in a PDF format without all of the filler in-between:


cool man, this should help the lazy readers out. I think most of us know how old this thread is, but we keep it open in case others come along wanting to be in the know. Whether the original poster is still around or not, the help is still here for those who want it.

Some of the best threads go for years and are still going, check out the "Harvest a pound every three weeks" thread. That went 4 years and its still going, and stink himself still visits it.
I may have overlooked it, but I didn't see how you are adding oxygen into the nutrient solution . I personally love air diffusers http://cch2o.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=52_70 however, they are expensive and they may not fit in your system. I would just get a couple 6x air pumps and mount them on the wall. Cut air hoses at lengths long enough to stretch from the pump through the hole and underneath each plant attach air diffuser or bubble stone/air hose.
Beautiful system though. Love to hear how she yields.
he runs the water fast enough so that air diffusers aren't needed.

Heath, how do you think your yield would of differed if you'd used less plants?
I want to do a system that will be pretty much the same, the only differences being -
1 plant per side per level (8 sides, 4 levels)
large gauge (I think this is the right term for the size of the holes :) ) scrog
topped plants (atleast twice per plant)

I was also thinking about 6inch soil pipe with the net pot inserted at somewhere between 45degrees and 90degrees from the vertical. Providing the pot is still in the nutrient solution I don't see that having an effect though.
I was also wondering what you use to line your room? I know you said that it's heat reflector that gets used behind radiators but, I've never seen it before... I live in the uk and used to work as a builder.

Thanks a lot for any help.

edit: also how would you rate the sunpulse bulbs?
Hi, Heath!~
There are no words other than, you, sir are a Gentleman-maDman!-or genius. They're so close. I must know; what was your cost for all materials, including the lumber, screws, at the time you built this-completely? I also want to THANK you for opening my mind to hydroponic alternatives I would, otherwise, not though of. The Youtube® videos are breathtaking-no, really. Words do it no justice.,
Please, please-keep up the amazing work. I envy your vocation, or avocation as the case may be. Need a helper?
Heath started this thread in 1/09 I read to page 82 which was 4/10. Heath said what he was shooting for getting, But I believe he never actually posted the final numbers of that grow. Im really curious as to what the final yield was, It's the only piece of information im missing.
Thx pilip, I guess I was weed blinded by the pictures, and it was in bold too. :shock:

Man, this thread just fucked up my whole life. My last cycle was 28 plants, 24" tall and I yielded 33oz under 2400w in aero. I knew I was being inefficient, I didnt realize how inefficient until now, I wanna puke just thinking about how much electricity I have pissed away over the past year.

Thanks for the wake up call Heath!
how would you go about germinating that many lol?

Just germinate using the normal methods ie wet paper towel then into large zip lock bag and put away in a dark warm place. I usually inflate the zip lock bags by breathing into them. Good luck.
Can anyone answer the simple question of where's the door lol Its the one thing I can't figure out. My next setup is gonna be built like this and I just for he life of me can't figure it out lol