Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical


Class V White Water DWC...!!!! That is awesome...!!!!!!!

I bet this will rock out 18" plants with 6' roots... hell yeah!!!!

I'll just pull up a chair and see if I can learn a thing or two...:-P

Thanks for sharing....

Heath said:
This is a pic of the dam inside the collar, as you can see twisting this collar alters the hight of liquid inside the tube.
Heath said:

I see clearly how it works, but I am wondering if it will be a fixed level or adjustable....

From your info, it seems that you are able to twist and adjust on the fly....

but I can't help to think that it would be a sure source of leaks.... right?!?!

So, are they glued in and fixed or ...?

subscribing, and wanting to comment on hydro grows that use net cups, what is throwing me is if as in this system where the plants veg and flower in the same system, by the time your 4wks in flower how do you rotate the plants? do you not rotate at all and if so do you think theres any difference in doing or being able to do so? I only say this because currently i am in growbags and can and do rotate my plants while on the shelves but plant to convert to a coliseum which will make me choose what type of hydro to choose. And I think that I will be losing something if i am unable to rotate my plants, just looking to be better informed grower. I love your UFO btw!
Very sweet grow, I've seen some of the others you've posted, I'd love to see the 42oz tree if you have a pic, or a link if its on here some where.
SlikWiLL13, smoke and coke, mastakoosh, murtymaker, DubB83, SOG and robotninja great to have you all call in, stick around as the next few weeks should prove interesting!.

wurzel75, Your idea is well proven, Prawn over at planet ganja has some great grows using a screen around a naked vertical bulb. It is really a vertical scrog and yes they it is a high yielding method, good luck.

loki will kill you, No probs I made some S1's of the Viking a while back and gave them away as freebies. I will be making some more later in the year so keep your eyes peeled!.

Butthead08, do you mean the Heath Robinson watermark in the pics?, if so its to stop others using my pics and claiming them as their own which has happened in the past.

naturalhigh, No there is no airstone or other means of oxygenating the water other than the action of the fast flowing water around the system.

growwwww, wank away! it should get mare sexually attractive when there is some bud porn to look at in a couple of weeks time! lol.

Hi GypsyBush, I am running a fixed level but if I want to raise or lower the level of water in the tubes I simply twist the collar. There can be no leaks as the pipes are waste pipes with seals designed to be buried underground for years. The dam is totally enclosed so no light can get to it I. The picture will explain it better than words.

In this picture the parts of the tube which arent wrapped in silver are the dams which control the water level, if you look at the top tube you can see the pen mark which shows me where the top of the dam is. I simply twist this section of pipe to rais or lower the water level in the tube.

offgridgrower, No need to turn the plants, the energy the plants put into turning back to the light after you have turned is wasted you would be better letting the buds develop without turning the plants.

Hi Thundercat the Tree thread is here https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/101347-critical-mass-tree-grow-x.html

and here are a few pics to keep you others going until the next update!
30.6 Oz from the plant on the left and 43.8 Oz from the one on the right.

loving it Heath! I think this will be your most efficient method yet!

I have been pondering over some designs using pvc and constantly running water... similar to the octogarden pvc setups and similar..

how do you plan on cleaning it out since you have the dams? just run h202 followed by enzymes?

EDIT: forgot to ask.. how did you make those damns? is it just a piece of plastic that is held in place by silicon?
thanks heath
i did get the idea off prawn from P.G, but i couldnt log on to the site to get any advice and you are the vert king on here,one of prawns grows he turns the plants every 5 days but i see above you dont recommend turning as a waste of time.so do you think my best way would be to train the plant through the wire like the v scrog or just use the wire to keep the plant off the light and rotate every 5 days..your help is much appreciated,, and i will be watching this one all the through it looks the dogs..cheers
slikwill13, smoke and coke, mastakoosh, murtymaker, dubb83, sog and robotninja great to have you all call in, stick around as the next few weeks should prove interesting!.

wurzel75, your idea is well proven, prawn over at planet ganja has some great grows using a screen around a naked vertical bulb. It is really a vertical scrog and yes they it is a high yielding method, good luck.

loki will kill you, no probs i made some s1's of the viking a while back and gave them away as freebies. I will be making some more later in the year so keep your eyes peeled!.

butthead08, do you mean the heath robinson watermark in the pics?, if so its to stop others using my pics and claiming them as their own which has happened in the past.

naturalhigh, no there is no airstone or other means of oxygenating the water other than the action of the fast flowing water around the system.

growwwww, wank away! It should get mare sexually attractive when there is some bud porn to look at in a couple of weeks time! Lol.

Hi gypsybush, i am running a fixed level but if i want to raise or lower the level of water in the tubes i simply twist the collar. There can be no leaks as the pipes are waste pipes with seals designed to be buried underground for years. The dam is totally enclosed so no light can get to it i. The picture will explain it better than words.

In this picture the parts of the tube which arent wrapped in silver are the dams which control the water level, if you look at the top tube you can see the pen mark which shows me where the top of the dam is. I simply twist this section of pipe to rais or lower the water level in the tube.

offgridgrower, no need to turn the plants, the energy the plants put into turning back to the light after you have turned is wasted you would be better letting the buds develop without turning the plants.

Hi thundercat the tree thread is here https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/101347-critical-mass-tree-grow-x.html

and here are a few pics to keep you others going until the next update!
30.6 oz from the plant on the left and 43.8 oz from the one on the right.


the tree style grow is what ive been doing for awhile....cant seem to get away from big numbers with just a few plants...but i wanna try this new vertical system so bad....
Where can you purchase this pipe? Also whats the smallest pipe you think you could use this method with? I wan't to try and scale this down a bit in some way if its possible.
Awesome grow Heath. I will be a student of this for weeks.

Since you dont use any additional oxygenation I was wondering if using a 90 degree bend to move the water down each level would help oxygenate the water?
I'm sold! Subscribed!

Everyone and their mothers should have a system like this!

Truly inspirational (setup)!



Thundercat, LWKY, purplekitty and Welove1 thanks for calling in and for your comments.:bigjoint:

Hi Flojo, its very easy to clean, the roots pull out in one piece and any bits can be swilled out into the res, or I can simply pull the ends off each run. I never sterilise the systems I run unless I have had a problem. If you keep the nutrient temps below 74f and circulate then the water will stay sweet. The dam is simply a piece of plastic held in place with silicon as you mention.

Hey wurzel, you would have a bigger yield if you use the wire as a scrog screen, there is no advantage to turning the plants it will reduce your yield.

Tokemasterflex, I love growing the trees also, so I do both! Lol.

Hi DubB83, where the dams are built the system dips down to the next level, I enter the vert there its quite simple to do, I will give the plants a trim in a weeks time and after that I wont enter it again until harvest.

Merahoon, I am in the UK the pipe is available from all builders merchants and places like Wickes and screwfix. I would imagine it is available throughout the world as it is standard 4” soil pipe. You can use 3” pipe successfully but the trouble I had when using 3” drain pipe is I couldn’t find fittings which were self sealing they had to be glued, if you don’t mind gluing 3” pipe works well.

The Scooby Master, The action of the water flowing through the pipes has an effect like a waterfall as long as you move the water quickly enough there is no need to add anything to add more dissolved oxygen. Of course you can add what you like if you think it will help I post up these grows to encourage others to have a go and of course alter/improve on my designs if they wish.

Ok here we are at week 2 of 12/12 everything is running smoothly and the nutrient concentration is at an EC of 1.0




