Heatsink for [email protected]

Sorry if this is the wrong spot, I saw there was a thread that was to ask questions it but has been locked down.

I bought a kit on Alibaba for a set of 6 CXB3590s and was super excited to get it over here as they were so much cheaper than Digikey.ca (Canadian, so shipping gets to be an issue.)

Only problem. I bought the kit without heatsinks. Any heatsink on Ebay/similar sites is running about $40 per heat sink, which is a bit on the high side. I found a heatsink at 1.1 C/W and it looks pretty good to me. Would this be good enough for a passive cooling set up, or should I look into getting some CPU coolers and wire up the fans? Its my first time doing my own lights so I would prefer to do the passive heat sink, but I'm open to any suggestions.

Heatsink I'm looking at getting, has free shipping in Canada so a really nice perk+super quick shipping (at least it was free when I got my driver, should be comparable weight)

Thanks in advance!
Sorry if this is the wrong spot, I saw there was a thread that was to ask questions it but has been locked down.

I bought a kit on Alibaba for a set of 6 CXB3590s and was super excited to get it over here as they were so much cheaper than Digikey.ca (Canadian, so shipping gets to be an issue.)

Only problem. I bought the kit without heatsinks. Any heatsink on Ebay/similar sites is running about $40 per heat sink, which is a bit on the high side. I found a heatsink at 1.1 C/W and it looks pretty good to me. Would this be good enough for a passive cooling set up, or should I look into getting some CPU coolers and wire up the fans? Its my first time doing my own lights so I would prefer to do the passive heat sink, but I'm open to any suggestions.

Heatsink I'm looking at getting, has free shipping in Canada so a really nice perk+super quick shipping (at least it was free when I got my driver, should be comparable weight)

Thanks in advance!
Check out this site rapid led. They have exactly what you are looking for.
I've checked out Rapidled and cobkits, and they both have them but with shipping, I'm looking at least $200 CAD, and that's if I don't get nailed with customs. So I was hoping it would be comparable and have it within a couple of days.
I've checked out Rapidled and cobkits, and they both have them but with shipping, I'm looking at least $200 CAD, and that's if I don't get nailed with customs. So I was hoping it would be comparable and have it within a couple of days.
What the hell Canada I heard has always been pro weed but god damn they are falling behind in new weed technology. No offence Canada is cool as fuck. When I went felt no different than American.
It's just the shipping and customs that makes it unbearable to buy almost anything online. If I bought from the place with free shipping it would be ~$85 USD, whereas the other 2 sites (RapidLEDcanada costs more than RapidLED.com, figure that one out) it would be $115 USD+ without shipping and customs.

I'd really prefer the pin heatsinks but if these one did a fair job in its place, id rather not spend an extra $100+