heavy rain in flowering?

im in central maine and right now the last end of hurricane earl is pouring on us. im a little worried about heavy rain damaging the plant or bud mold. i been going out after every rain and shaking off the water best i can. hoping thats enough? they are kind of a long long hike to do anything else such as covering them just for the storm.


Well-Known Member
As long as the storm doesn't bust or tip over your plant, you will be just fine.
aww man another 4 days of rain it says! so lame.
im just worried about mold cuz the way people talk its real easy to get and when it rains for 3 or 4 days in a row theres not much i can do... really hope it doesnt mold =\


Active Member
ahhhhh dude, i feel your pain.....on the east coast too, had a direct hit from earl.....let me know how you fared, I'm hoping mine are still in the ground.... :|
I live in maine as well. Unless your plants started to flower way before mine did, you should be all set. Here in maine the bud rot doesn't start being an issue until late september, early october. I'm hoping this warm weather continues. I would like a late october harvest!
blast what general part of maine you from and when do you normally harvest? first time growing for me. im in penobscot county near mt katahdin.
blast what general part of maine you from and when do you normally harvest? first time growing for me. im in penobscot county near mt katahdin.
I live near the augusta region but fairly close to the ocean. Harvest times vary greatly depending on the weather we have throughout the summer, and how humid it is in september/november. Three years ago was an ok grow season here. Nothing terrible but certainly nothing great either. Harvest for me was the second week of october due to bud rot. The last two grow seasons have sucked balls. We had way to much rain, not enough sun, very rainy and humid in september. Both years I harvested in late september due to flooding and bud rot. If it stays dry like it has, let them go until we get a good frost. In maine the two things that make you harvest is bud rot and frost. Here are some pics I took the other day. 2010 006.jpg2010 007.jpg2010 004.jpg


Active Member
I'm from Maine as well, it's nice to see some fellow growers in the area. Especially letme. I was originally from the milly area. Planning on harvesting late this month due to hunting season, I don't want the shit stolen. What ever I can get I am happy, weed lasts me a long time :)
well blast your buds look very similar to mine right now but your plants overall are much more branchier... i guess because its my first grow and maybe i didnt do so good but my plants are kind of small compared to yours and ones ive seen on the news lately in busts lol.
well blast your buds look very similar to mine right now but your plants overall are much more branchier... i guess because its my first grow and maybe i didnt do so good but my plants are kind of small compared to yours and ones ive seen on the news lately in busts lol.
It takes a while to get the hang of growing big plants here in the state of Maine. Here are some tips that I have learned throughout the years of growing in the northeast.

1. If using seeds for your grow, start them indoors Feb 1st. This will give you time to grow them up a little bit and be able to sex them out so you don't waste your time with males (unless if you want to breed your own strain). Hopefully you can have your plants sexed out by April or so. Next hammer the lights to them 20/4, 18/6 to get them back into the veg state.

2. If possible try and get them outdoors as early as possible. This year my plants were outside the second week in May. If you are worried about a frost go and put a clear trash bag around them. This will act like a small green house keeping them warm.

3. Use good soil, if possible mix in a large amount of quality compost material. I use promix along with a good quality general fertilizer (processed chicken shit works pretty good). Don't go overboard with the fertilizers, you have all summer to slowly add the needed nutrients. The larger the root system, the larger your plants will be.

4. I use the same process to make my plants branch out as I do with basil plants. In June I slowly start pinching the ends off of the plants. I do this VERY slowly until late July. The grow season is just too short to do any of the drastic topping methods, unless if you don't mind 3-4ft tall bushy plants. I prefer 8-10ft tall bushy plants. I also tie down my plants (low stress training) to make them grow bushier. If done correctly the tallest part of your plant will be from one of your lower branches.

There is a ton more information I can tell you. Give it another year or so and you will be growing some nice plants. Just let me know if you have any more questions. I'll help out a fellow Mainah any day of the week!
one problem i will have or have had is that i can not really start inside. this year i started on april 1st and used the window sill til mid may when i put them in the ground.
next year i will have to use the window sill again if i want to get an early start, but will try to 12/12 them from seed to sex...


im in central maine and right now the last end of hurricane earl is pouring on us. im a little worried about heavy rain damaging the plant or bud mold. i been going out after every rain and shaking off the water best i can. hoping thats enough? they are kind of a long long hike to do anything else such as covering them just for the storm.
Week 8 flowering and it’s been raining 3 days ALL day.Put her in garage with di humidier and fan.Loss of sun light and just the outdoors sucks.Good luck.