Heavyweight fast & vast in coco

Ya know buddy it's pretty hard for me with those lights. Take a few shots outside the cab or with those lights off. Makes em look like they are in tubes...lol They do look good but better pics will speak for themselves. What kind of bulbs are those?
I've been reading about it a lot and I keep coming across there best harvested when the trics are cloudy/white for a better stone. When they turn Amber there starting to break down. There's that much to read it's a bit confusing. I'm starting my flush today
I'm on day 52 and there looking pretty much done. Starting flushing for 2 weeks and 3 day dark period I'm looking to harvest on day 70 mate. I'll get some pics up tonight when the light goes out
I think yours look ready. Have u started flushing?. I'm an amateur so don't quote me on it but I think you should have started your flush buddy
At day 50 id say you're aren't ready, u gotta magnifier so u can see the trics? This will tell u when its done, my trics are just milky atm you need to see 30/40% Amber to get the timing bang on. Harvest too soon and you won't get as much as you could from the plants
Mine have went a lot faster than yours tho. If you look at the first pic you posted on day 50 and compare it to mine on day 52 they look weeks in front. Are you not getting confused with the 30/40% of the pistils turning Amber and curling in?. That's the start of the harvest window. When your trics start turning Amber they are starting to break down and decompose. You want them to be milky. I started my flush last night. Remember as well fast and vast take approximately 8 week I'm on 7.5 weeks so by the end of my flush it will be 9 weeks

It would be good if someone with more knowledge than us would give us some advice
Yes some advice would be good! I want to do it right, do it right a better smoke!?

Tell me I'm good to flush and I'm flushing!!