

364.jpgiv been growing a plant for a few weeks but now iv have noticed yellow balls in the root ball now the plant has died and the root ball is full if these balls. i can any one give mea clue please


nah dude the soil was clear befor but they over run the root ball. i have grown a few off the same soil befor its just strange cause the root ball is over run with them

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
That's a new one!!! Ya think they could be the eggs of some bug/worm? I take it you didn't find any adults, tho..... Maybe someone will chime in with an answer.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
looks like time release ferts to me. but you say the soil didnt have any in it. i saw a similar thread about these yellow ball looking things and someone thought it was spider eggs. i am not sure about that, i thought spiders wrapped the eggs up.


Active Member
I'm sorry for disagreeing, but that HAS to be ferts. Squeeze them, if clear liquid comes out it's fertilizer.