HEEELPPP!! Sprouts are falling over!

Okay, This is my first attempted grow, and for some reason, my sprouts are falling over. I'm going to post a pic to show you what i mean, and I need honest diagnosis. Are they going to survive? Should i start over? I've been watering them only when the soil feels bone dry, about an inch deep. Thanks in advance for your help.


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the stems are not strong enough to hold them. soma had a trick with wire that was rigid enough to hold them upright yet bendable to make a little c at the end to hold the plant in....you can also repot them deeper
they look green and getting enough light. the light might be too high thats why they stretched so much and are falling over. i would not trip but maybe make a little stake support for them. they will live but if face down for too long they will not get enough light
Thats funny man, but yeah they'll live. Prop them up with bread ties or something. Then get a 13 or 23 watt cfl and get it really close to the tops of them. Like 2 inches ff the leaves. No more, and not much less. Check it everyday and raise the light when they grow much closer. Now the last thing is when they finally start to look better, and they will if you dont fuck anything else up, but anyway when you transplant them into their first pot; just bury the extra long stem in the ground deeper than you normally would. If it looks like you've got two or three extra inches of stem, bury it so the plant looks proportional. If you were diligent with the cfl spacing the new nodes that formed should be nice and tight.

edit - Oh and yeah man it' s a light problem.
Okay, This is my first attempted grow, and for some reason, my sprouts are falling over. I'm going to post a pic to show you what i mean, and I need honest diagnosis. Are they going to survive? Should i start over? I've been watering them only when the soil feels bone dry, about an inch deep. Thanks in advance for your help.


put them things into bigger containers and bury them up to the seed leaves ,they are starving for light keep a fan blowing over them it will help keep the stems strong
That's the kind of response I was looking for! Awesome, I just set up the lights, and let's hope that will work! Thanks a ton for the help
What is your light setup man? CFLs should do defo at this stage. They should survive, if you take really care as they are really sensitive now:hug:

Carefully repot them as said before, and fasten them if needed..

Get like 23W to 50W CFLs + reflectors and MOST IMPORTANT : daylight color! ca. 6400K+ (easy to order online). Warm white colors CFL (2700K is THE classic) emits wavelengths that elongate the stem (not good) whereas cold whites develop the apex and leaves primordia, what you want.
Tip : Get already big ones (50-75W) since the 23W would not last long.

An inline fan 3000rpm, helped my girls alot to strenghten their stem and breathe well. Place it indirectly so your babies shake just a little bit, you shall see their stem get fat in a week or so.

Keep updating grower! It will be all fine !
alott of advice here but let me filter it, use cfl's ir u arent, [65k] brace the stem with paperclip, or whatever you have, transplant when they are ready and plant more of the stem, and place a fan in there indirectly to let them sway in the wind. they will be fine. you see how the tops are still pointing up? that means thay are looking for the light and want to reach. goodluck
As of right now, all I had on them was the sunshine during the day, but here in FL, the weather has been getting super hot, (heat index 112 degrees+) So i brought them in and this is what happened. I'm actually going right now to get some CFL lamps. I read a lot of guides and have been researching for quite a while, but haven't ever had a hands on approach or people telling me exactly what to do. As soon as I get back from the store with my CFLs and new pots, I am going to transplant them and put the lights on. I had them propped up on some small drinking straws, with a fan on them, with a shitty piano light, but obviously that hasn't done much for me. But again, thanks so much for all the constructive feedback, and in a couple days ill post some pics and show you guys the (hopefully) improved result!
Quick update - Got a 60 watt 6500k CFL on my babies now, been almost 24 hours and they're already looking better. Have them
Propped up on straws still, with a fan on low setting blowing on them, and they're already looking greener, and standing up a little straighter. Should i transplant them to their permanent pots now? Or wait until they've strengthened up a little bit before doing it? My cat decided to mangle one of them, and I noticed they have little to no root system developed at all. Is this bad, or a sign I should wait a little longer to repot?
they wouldnt have a well developed root system yet, so no its not bad its normal for their size. and you should wait a bit before you transplant, there is no rush seeing as how they are far from being root bound. give it a few days and then repot. goodluck
This looks like damping off to me. Get them out of there as another said into a bigger container and dont water so much. They need plenty of fresh air too.