Heellppp!!!!! The sticky has no pics!!!


So, the sticky has no working images... and I need help.... I'm running 2 400w MH lamps (one red and one blue). I think I might be having a fert problem.. The lamps are 18 inches from the tallest plant. Only like 3 of the plants are yellowing. starting from the ends and kind of rolling in on them selfs. then they just go from green to yellow. Those same plants have brand new growth from the top (Baby leafs) those look good. I water everyday with a nute solution of 2 tsp of General Organics Vegan Plant Food (Grow) - 1/2 tsp of General Organics Fish Emaultion - and 1/2 tsp of General Organics Root Booster, and thats all mixed in to 1 gal of filtered water, with a pH of 6.75. The room is at 80 degrees, and gets fed with c02 (1500 ppm at all times). Lamps are both air cooled with fresh air from the A/C. Any help would be great!!!



Well-Known Member
You definitely should not be using nutes every time you water, and you shouldn't be watering every day either.

When you water, make sure to thouroughly soak all the soil in the pot, until it comes out the drainholes in the bottom. You need drainholes in those cups if you don't have them in there already. Then don't water them again until the top 2 inches of soil is dry. Don't just give them a little bit of water each day, and definitely don't give them that much fertilizer every day.

Also, what kind of soil is that? Does it have time-release fertilizers in it?


The soil is the Roots Organics Formula 707. I think im rushing all this, in hopes it will make them grow faster/stronger. Okay, So i'll change to watering every other day (or as they need it) and i'll change out nutes and just RO water. (checking the pH levels every time). Thanks Antigen. I'll report back with findings.


Well-Known Member
wow, those plants look way to young to be giving nutes yet... especially at the rate you are feeding them. if anything they should be maybe on 1/4 -1/2 strength nutes..


Well-Known Member
I don't see drain holes on those cups did u cut drain holes? Are they clones, they look like clones regardless of what they are they are too young for nutrients. I think u are causing the plants to be over watered. If the top inch of your soil is dry and the rest is very moist don't water out of concern get a spray bottle and spray the top soil with water so you don't drown the roots. Remember roots love oxygen they need it just like we do.


Yeah I have drain holes in the bottom of the cups

Yes, they are clones.

I also have 6 seeds that I started. They are in jiffy root shooters. I have just been giving them the RO water, when they start to get dry. I also keep them under the dome. I just took the seeds and planted them in the Jiffy Cups. I'll post of picture of them tomorrow, they should just about ALL be above the block. (One is already about half an inch above)

ALL THE HELP IS GREAT!!!! THANKS!!!! and keep it commin PLEASE!!!!!


Well-Known Member
why are they under 800 watts.Use some fluoros.Just give them water,and a lil bit of nutes,lil bit of gardenlime.Check out youtube,or buy some books,magz etc.


From what I have been reading... I can use the MH lamps in place of the fluoros. they are a fair distance from the tops of the plants. That should NOT be a problem. I have looked at youtube and I DO have books, and magz... I also was up at the THC Expo in LA couple of weeks back... Talked to a couple of guys at the ADVANCED Nutes display, as well as other seed and grow companys. They all say that the MH lamps are the best way to go if you can afford it. Flouros are nice, but they don't give out the same lumens as the MH's do. Heat is NOT a problem at all, the room is at 80 degrees, and when I put the thermo where the plants are, they are at 80 - 81 degrees. Even at the top of the plants.


Well-Known Member
MH is fine for seedlings. i used a 600w on my grow just make sure to keep it in the sweet zone and watch temps closely. What is your humidity at? is that a heater/fan right next to them? you should get some cheep 6$ fans from walmart. the clip on ones. i used zip ties to put them up on the poles of my grow tent.


The yellowing does appear to be going away, i'll post pictures for you when I get them. Also, when I transplant from rockwool to soil, should I put in a couple of the cubes of the rockwool or just straight in to the 707 soil mix??
