heh guys really need help with my outdoor grow.think my plant is dying :(


Well-Known Member
you say that your in the 6-7th week but technically your in your 4-6th week, remember there is a transition cycle that the plant goes thru at first flowering for about 2 weeks and most breeders and seed sellers don't tell you this so when they say it's a 8 weeks strain its really gonna take 10 weeks to finish. Now is when it's gonna start to really gain weight


Well-Known Member
Gotcha. U sprayed a high concentration of refined petroleum on a plant in high temps. I spray horticultural oil for a living and in hot temperatures we reduce the rate by half and on days hotter than 90F we don't spray at all. You absolutely burned the plant with Neem.


Well-Known Member
Well at least you learned to either spray in the morning or evening. Shitty way to be taught but shit that's how I learned how to grow... By killing a shitload of plants.


thanks for all the advice guys..well it was my first grow and only the one plant..i had everything down to a T..i mean everything was going perfect..i read 100's of threads to how to grow and a shit load of neem oil thread but dont recall any thread pointing out that it shouldnt be sprayed while the sun is beaming down on the plants. simple as its a rookie mistake and now ive learned for that mistake :) all i can do now is just wait it out and hope for the best..will keep u guys posted on any progress :)


also guys do u reckon i should give it some advanced nutrients big bud on next watering @ 1/4 or 1/8 str or would that make it worse?


Well-Known Member
Try digging a hole next time and filling it with your soil, and then plant it into the ground. I found Easy Ryders specifically can have HUGE root systems, sometimes 2 or 3 times the mass they have above ground, and the more space the roots have the better the plant will be and the harder it will be to kill too.

And go REALLY easy on the Nutes with them, they dont like em too much.


heh harrekin..thats what ive done..dug a hole and filled it with plagron bat mix soil and let it do its job :)

do you reckon i should give it any nutes at this stage at all?


Well-Known Member
You can use big bud, I use it and put in a 1/8 teaspoon per gallon and seems to work good for me. Advanced nutes imo is some pretty good food but don't fall for all their advertising ploys and buy all the additives and shit. BB isn't a stand alone food but is a pretty good bloom booster. Should add some weight


Well-Known Member
And I'm not an outside grower but me and my cousin grew a veggie garden this year and when we dug the holes we added promix in the holes before putting all the plants in there. Worked like a charm and worked great, no shock or anything. We also tried a few wo the promix and they took 5x longer to start to actually grow and green back up.


Well-Known Member
well i didnt feed it..found out it was the neem oil that made it like this.

as for the weather didnt know that our summer was going to be so dull. nothing else to it really

went to water it today guys and was hoping for the worst and thats what i got..the plant literally got trimmed by itself..all the leaves on it were tiny and i cleaned it up a bit and this is whats left..is there any hope for this plant or is it a lost cause?
Bro , with the new pics i have changed my mind with your plants. They hate it outside and the feeding and neem hasnt helped, They will produce next to nothing. Almostall the bud producing leaves are dead, ive seen this before bro its the strain, plants are as good as dead as they are diseased
.This is the result of the plant not taking up anymore K(reasons unknown) in turn bringing disease to it.


so its pretty much a lost cause now :( well il still water it every week and call up to see it if its any better..not hoping for much now tbh but heh il be happy with 5g :)


Well-Known Member
Terrible to see isnt it. I lost 12 foot females like this, all is good then a disease takes over a in 2-3 days its ashadow of former self. your harvest will smoke like crap btw, no thc.


New Member
i think its a combination of nute burn and foiler spray burn Never never water or spray plants in the day only in mornings like 5 - 6 am and evenings 8 to 10 pm with the sun not only emmiting around 100,000 lumens it also gives of other ultraviolet lights and radiation with that much of damage i cant see plants turning around for the better but i can see it trying to finish off her life cycle ASAP sorry to here that o well chalk it up as a learning experience next time you try it dont spray nothing on your plants natural predetors will kill any bugs on your plant let it rain it self lol as or your holes i would suggest buying chicken shit , rabbit shit throw it in hole add plenty of water then throwing soil above then planting plants this will give you plenty of slow release of high nitrogen and all other P and K through out when it comes to flowering keep it simple


such a shame guys :( am soo depressed now..ohh well theres the hard way to learn..il just let her be and tend to her..may aswell try to finish it and see what the end result is..will keep you guys posted :)


ahh ya at least il know and others will know from my mistakes :) well id be pretty much happy with anything right now tbh..wondering if the lack of fan leaves would produce any bud at all?


Well-Known Member
No it wont bro, the buds have the same disease as the fan leaves. Make sure you get a new strain next time, that one isnt tough enough.