Yes, 24/7.
Back to the beans!. Sorry I've been posting way off topic here. Im happy to help, but I respect the thread.
Regarding Heisenberg and Gu...
I don't blame either for this. GPS has arguably the best seed marketing and distribution and could use some fresh genetics. And Heis has probably realized how much of a pain in the ass all of that is, plus it seems he will have a shit ton of seeds to distribute. So who better to go to than Gu? Hopefully Gu took to heart Heisen's harshly applied advice so both parties, and us growers will benefit.
Also, people say these seed producers are in it for the money?? No shit! It's their job. It's one thing when it was just a hobby they did to try make some seeds. But now with the volume they are producing, marketing, selling, and shipping they no longer have the time to work another full time job to pay the bills. If they do this well, they may be able to hire people so they don't have to do it all themselves. Welcome to America!
I can't wait to pop some of Heisen's new seeds.