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This one works extremely well. You can make a smaller version of this, using a smaller tote or even a 5 gallon bucket which I've seen many people do. If you go the five gallon bucket route, and you only need six to eight sights, you should be able to do it for $50-$60.

The pump would be your biggest expense (that is, if you alrady own a drill). The hole saw bit (for drilling the clone collar holes) can be pricey too, so you'll need to shop around for that.

I would definitely make the biggest one that you can afford, that way you'll have the capability of making larger numbers of clones in the future if needed.


You can also make a cheaper version of this without the aeroponic sprayers, and just make it like a dwc. Then, instead of a waterpump you'd only need to use an air pump with a few good air stones to make sure the water is extremely oxygenated. That way, when the roots hit the water they won't drown themselves. They definitely work that way, but not quite as well as the aeroponic sprayer ones. You just have to make sure you have the water level just right so the aerosol bubbles come in contact with the stems/roots. With either one of these cloners, you would only use tap water or RO water, no nutrients or cloning solution.

*** After I posted this I kept reading the thread and saw that a lot of this was sort of covered, so I apologize for any redundancy. Hope it helps someone anyway.
Nah, your all good. Appreciate it. More info the better. The more I hear the same thing from all the feedback tells me that it definitely works. All the various options etc gives myself and anyone else reading better chances of success. Yay for everybody. Thanks everyone that chimed in with there methods.
Hot damn, that's a really smart idea. This is why I love members sharing their info and setups. I'll swing by HD and grab an 8 footer and build a brace to mount it to.
My fan is 14 or 16" though so a bit heavier so I'll have to build a heavy ass footer or I could use some clamps and screw it to the frame of the tent. Have to be careful of ripping material though.
I bought a an oscillating tower fan at Target, drilled holes through the base and made zip tie loops to hang it from the ceiling of the tent, works great. Thereks a pic two or three pages back,
Hey @Michael Huntherz has anybody told you lately you're the fuckin man! The site is looking phenomenal, just was on it. Can't wait for that basically finished product! I appreciate you just as much as Heisen especially when you take time out to come here and do damage control and keep us updated
It is getting closer to professional. Thank you. I had to take time out to start building a forum for the site, but everything is still on schedule. There will be a question-and-answer thread for the public as the initial “beta” version of the forum, by Tuesday, because I need a day off (today), and then I will iterate new features from there once the payments systems and shopping cart are live.

Cheers and best wishes to everyone, thank you for the kind words.
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It is getting closer to professional. Thank you. I had to take time out to start building a forum for the site, but everything is still on schedule. There will be a question-and-answer thread for the public as the initial “betal version of the forum, by Tuesday because I need a day off (today) and then we will iterate new features from there.

Cheers and best wishes to everyone, thank you for the kind words.
You're too professional, "thank you for the kind words" lol just wanted to make sure you know we ALL appreciate you! Can't wait for the "forum" but bro you are most welcome
It is getting closer to professional. Thank you. I had to take time out to start building a forum for the site, but everything is still on schedule. There will be a question-and-answer thread for the public as the initial “betal version of the forum, by Tuesday because I need a day off (today), and then I will iterate new features from there once the payments systems and shopping cart are live.

Cheers and best wishes to everyone, thank you for the kind words.

Thanks for the update.
Mailbox door is going to get a workout for the next while LOL
So I guess it isn't cool to have a giveaway , was trying to do something nice but all posts deleted , sorry admins if it's not allowed , guess I am done with this place peace and hair grease
What do you mean? I thought that was super cool of you to do that. What happened? Even perm said to post it
I'm guessing because members can't openly gift like that.
Since Dyna-Gro is a paid advertiser, if you use that link you can add to the pot because they are hosting it and opened it up. Anyone can add to the pot.
Members can't do this, members can't say that. Advertisers can't swear. Posts get deleted daily. Every post needs a disclaimer. Fuck this censorship bullshit, this site is trash. I'm out. I'll come back and post pics of heisens gear when it grows out but nobody wants to hang out at the dictators house.
Members can't do this, members can't say that. Advertisers can't swear. Posts get deleted daily. Every post needs a disclaimer. Fuck this censorship bullshit, this site is trash. I'm out. I'll come back and post pics of heisens gear when it grows out but nobody wants to hang out at the dictators house.
The rules haven't changed in the 10 years that I have been here...
I'm so glad for Heisen and everything he's doing. This may seem silly to some but if I didn't have these beans to look forward to I'd prolly be in a really dark place. I'm really grateful for everything he's doing. So excited we're only a couple weeks out.
Hey man! If you couldn't get Heisen beans and was heading for a "dark" place., I'd hook you up with my shit!
I got stuff Heisen is gonna want in his garden in the near future. lol
I'm like ole Chebamunk, gathering and hoarding since the Clovis Culture died out. lol
It is getting closer to professional. Thank you. I had to take time out to start building a forum for the site, but everything is still on schedule. There will be a question-and-answer thread for the public as the initial “betal version of the forum, by Tuesday because I need a day off (today), and then I will iterate new features from there once the payments systems and shopping cart are live.

Cheers and best wishes to everyone, thank you for the kind words.
Thanks Mike for what you are doing, but could you kindly hurry the hell up and get the Nameless One's forum up and running? Cause RIU is not the same without his one on one in the forum. And we can't forget the "other one", giving us day by day pics of his "#4" in a 4 x 4. lol
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Thanks Mike for what you are doing, but could you kindly hurry the hell up and get the Nameless One's forum up and running? Cause RIU is not the same without his one on one in the forum. And we can't forget the "other one", giving us day by day pics of his "#4" in a 4 x 4. lol
Lol! A lot of visible changes/improvements are going to happen in a very short time this week, I feel the urgency, all the bones are there, just need to hang the skin and soft tissue on that skeleton and watch it dance.
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