hell of a storm!


Well-Known Member
we had a pretty bad storm last night, coulple plants were knocked over, and a main brach split at the Y, i taped it up and just checked on them again recently, there definately stressed but at dusk they had all started to curve back towards the light, ive had alot of broken branches this year due to animals and what not, and all those have healed up so im pretty sure these will too, im just a little worried about added stress on my flowering plants, only time will tell tho, ive been havin a rough year


Active Member
shit same here bro good luck with the weather.. if we survive this them winter time will be worth the time u put in
I feel your pain bro. Mother nature can be a bitch from hell. I've got 2 beautiful plants outside right now. I'm about 100 miles inland from the NC coast. Probably going to lose a few branches myself, if not worse from Irene.


Well-Known Member
shit same here bro good luck with the weather.. if we survive this them winter time will be worth the time u put in
yea i hear ya, im just hopin that after truckin soil through the woods in the dead of night, countless water runs, though thick brush and all the animal and weather issues, i can have a good harvest to smoke away through the winter


Well-Known Member
You the man tape that girl up and keep growing. lol good luck watch out for them storms
yea luckily im not on the pathway of IRENE so im happy about that, the weather said that the next seven days is gonna be great weather for my area, which im gonna need while my girls are healing


Well-Known Member
we had a pretty bad storm last night, coulple plants were knocked over, and a main brach split at the Y, i taped it up and just checked on them again recently, there definately stressed but at dusk they had all started to curve back towards the light, ive had alot of broken branches this year due to animals and what not, and all those have healed up so im pretty sure these will too, im just a little worried about added stress on my flowering plants, only time will tell tho, ive been havin a rough year
Sorry to hear that. Sounds like tou have something left though. We get Santa Anna's here or dust storms. Not good either! You can keep your of ones plants but wind and dirt ruin stuff.