Hellllloo RIU


Active Member
So Ive been on RIU for the last week and found to love this place. Im trolling these forums more and more, and learning a great deal from everyone. I would like to say so far everyone on here rocks. The new site aint bad its taking some getting use to and could use some easier links. Other than that I think its a brilliant design. Hats off. If your interested check out my grow journal. https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/322285-1st-time-medicinal-setup-any.html Im a noobie grower, growing for personal use. I dont have any crazy system but I didnt go to cheap. Oh ya SO CAL baby.



Well-Known Member
Glad too see ya around, will check out your grow for sure, and may i suggest you put a link too it in your sig, cheers