Hello all first time growing look at my progress

Doing good going into the 4th week.
Looks like your starting to get a Lil case of magnesium Def. Nothing too bad but be careful of feeding xtra nutes while the nutes in the soil aren't depleted yet. Can cause a toxicity or nute lockout
Doing good going into the 4th week.
Looks like your starting to get a Lil case of magnesium Def. Nothing too bad but be careful of feeding xtra nutes while the nutes in the soil aren't depleted yet. Can cause a toxicity or nute lockout
I thought it was nitrogen because leaves had a bit of a claw, mag can also cause this?
Doing good going into the 4th week.
Looks like your starting to get a Lil case of magnesium Def. Nothing too bad but be careful of feeding xtra nutes while the nutes in the soil aren't depleted yet. Can cause a toxicity or nute lockout
Cool I’ll make sure to feed some ph’d water between feedings so I can remove the excess salts in my soil thanks for the tip
I think your right some of the lower leaves of the plant are turning yellow and dying nothing major but like you guys said I think I’m feeding to many nutes. When the bottom leaves turn yellow it means my plants need more nitrogen or is it a lockout?
Nitro tox with the claw, dark green foliage,
If the leaves are turning yellow and are dropping as well that's a case of nitro Def. If both r happening, Could have a lockout. I'd wait for your soil to dry out some b4 giving ph water
For fungus gnats get mosquito bits. They're more like chunks or Pebbles they won't blow all over your room neem oil works well above the soil I haven't really used it as a soil drench so I don't know how well it works for soil bugs. Another thing you can do is put a layer of sand on the top of your medium. This will prevent them from going in and out of the medium.
I've drenched the bottom three inches of the plants stalk in concentrated neem oil, it works
I think your right some of the lower leaves of the plant are turning yellow and dying nothing major but like you guys said I think I’m feeding to many nutes. When the bottom leaves turn yellow it means my plants need more nitrogen or is it a lhttps://www.growweedeasy.com/marijuana-symptoms-picturesockout?
Here is a detailed guide
Yellow between is magnesium
Yellow on tops or inner can be iron
Nitrogen leaves yellow and fall off from bottom first because the plant is stealing from the older leaves. B81598D9-8ACF-4AEB-83B4-B1855980FC71.png
This guide will help you properly diagnose your girls. Good luck :)