hello all, I have a question, im bout to try super cropping for the first time.

mellow j

Well-Known Member
Hey yall
Ive been growing 4 plants under a 400 watt hps lamp. Small yields with topping alone. No training.
Im going to run a bubba kush from medicann in a 5 gal smart pot. I want to get a qp off of it. Can any pro's please give me some advice on this technique, and how to do it properly? And how can I get a qp off of one plant? Thank you masters in advance.

Peace, love, and pot


Hey mellow j,

Are you growing with any other lights other than your 400w hps? Like do you have a different light for veg? Also, what nutes are you using?
4 oz from one plant is a decently tall order but by no means out of reach in the right growing conditions. 5gal smart pot is a good choice in going for the yield that you're looking for. You will have to incorporate multiple techniques to get there like topping and some kind of training. I think a scrog is probably your best to get there with one plant when growing indoors.

Or, you can just veg that one plan for like a year...

mellow j

Well-Known Member
Hey Chuckonit,
I have several small end table lamps with splitters, so I can put around 6 to 8 cfl spiral bulbs underneath. Soil is, Happy Frog/Light warrior, with 40 % perlite, and some dolamite lime.
Nutes are: Growbig for veg, big bloom, and tiger bloom for flower.

Multiple techniques? I thought if you super crop then you don't have to lst. What do you suggest?
I top twice always. I was gonna go from topping, recovery, then start super cropping in aroun the 3rd week of veg.
Do I still need to lst before super cropping?
I thought hard about scrogging. My grow space is a closet. 4.5 w. 2.5 d. 8'h. Idk Iif I have a big enough space, and I don't know if I wanna tie it up in a screen not being able to move it.
I eas just gonna use bamboo sticks to make a trelace. Like 4 sticks in the dirt vertically, then make a square, then make a a square, then tie cross sticks to make 3'' squares. What do you think?


bud bootlegger
bubba kush is a bitch to try and bend and or super crop.. i just grew some, and the stems are super thick and don't like to be bent fwiw... this would possibly also take out scrog as well.. not saying it's not possible, just sharing my experience with bubba kush..
bubba also isn't the biggest yielder ime, nor does she stretch much, like at all..


bud bootlegger
Hey Racer Boy,
Thanks for that info. I have a northern lights by big bud feminized seed too. I wonder if she would be easier to train...
hells yeah, either of those would be better choices for some training.. don't get me wrong, i love love love bubba, just that she's not the most forgiving plant to grow, and doesn't like to put out a ton like i said earlier..

mellow j

Well-Known Member
Gotcha brotha.
But I love bubbas smoke...
Do you know hoe northern lights by big buds smoke is?

mellow j

Well-Known Member
Hey Caherbrower,
Can you please elaborate on the subject of tieing up the ladies before they lean? Ive been topping for a while now, but this will be my first time super cropping. Also, once you super crop and the branch bends, am I supposed to just leave it hanging, or do you have to support it? Thanks allot! I'll take all the advice I can get! :-)


Well-Known Member
Get some bamboo stakes and stick them in the soil and tie the branches to the stakes with zip ties. This will help support the weight of heavy buds. After you Supercrop just let the branch hang and the plant will adjust itself and start growing upward. Try not to sever the external plant tissue when cropping.

mellow j

Well-Known Member
Thank you so much bro! You just answered some questions that I've been researching, but couldn't get a straight answer. Thanks so much! Man I wish bubba was a big yielder. I love the smoke, but im only growing two plants. One in a 5 gal smart pot, and one in a regular 3 gal pot. Ive been struggling with which one to put in the 5 gal. The biggest yielder I was guessing. I've heard bubba isn't a heavy yielder, and doesn't respond too well to training. The other one I have germing right now is a northern lights by big bud. I'll probably put that one in the 5 gal, and bubba in the 3 gal. I'm not gonna scrog this time around. I'll just see how it goes, and try to learn some things along the way. Hopefully end up with a decent amount of personal smoke. Peace

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Thank you so much bro! You just answered some questions that I've been researching, but couldn't get a straight answer. Thanks so much! Man I wish bubba was a big yielder. I love the smoke, but im only growing two plants. One in a 5 gal smart pot, and one in a regular 3 gal pot. Ive been struggling with which one to put in the 5 gal. The biggest yielder I was guessing. I've heard bubba isn't a heavy yielder, and doesn't respond too well to training. The other one I have germing right now is a northern lights by big bud. I'll probably put that one in the 5 gal, and bubba in the 3 gal. I'm not gonna scrog this time around. I'll just see how it goes, and try to learn some things along the way. Hopefully end up with a decent amount of personal smoke. Peace
I would put the bubba in the smart pot and lst... When you lst , the stems that shoot up are a lot easier to supercrop.. I would top it bend it tie it then I would release it from its restraints a few days before I flower..As far as soil goes I would also buy a bag of ocean Forrest.. Some worm castings and some lime and oyster shells... If you do that with extremely mild ph'd feedings on a regular basis starting after week 3 you should have a fairly smooth easy grow..imo!

Anchor your plant before you bend it..and start when it's young..u should also not put the young plant directly into the hot mix maybe u can do a layer Of light warrior so it can eventually grow into the nutritious soil!

mellow j

Well-Known Member
Thank you for good vibes, and great wisdom Mr. Sunshine. I was thinking about doing what you just said, but couldn't come up with a conclusive answer for shit! Thank you for making it clear for me!


Well-Known Member
Hey Caherbrower,
Can you please elaborate on the subject of tieing up the ladies before they lean? Ive been topping for a while now, but this will be my first time super cropping. Also, once you super crop and the branch bends, am I supposed to just leave it hanging, or do you have to support it? Thanks allot! I'll take all the advice I can get! :-)
Leave it hanging. WHen you decide where to bend... kinda squeeze the stem first, this helps it not break, you'll feel it give in a little.. you're kinda of crushing it, then just let it bed over like it would if it was damaged in nature. the plant will make that bend super strong and the top will turn back up toward the light.. in the mean time, the side branching will start growing like crazy while the bend heals... this is how you get all those tops. You then need to loosely tie the bent branch to pot or the main stem so it does not straighten itself back up (it will especially if you did a minimal bend). I have some that are 5 weeks into flower and have been tied for weeks... I released them last night and within an hour the main stem started to straighten up and get tall. By the way... .LST... or low stress training... is what supercropping is. I supposed tying them without putting a crimp or bend in the stem would be more 'low stress' but its all pretty much the same. I find that when I dont get a good crimp, they recover faster than the side branching grows. If you snap one... tape it up and leave it alone.. it will probably recover.

I am currently (just started) doing an side by side topping vs. supercropping. I am a firm believer that you should not cut the main stem. You are not getting two 'new' tops... they are just the side branches that would have shot up if you supercrop instead of cut... the same way. But with topping you now have one less top than you did. We'll see if I'm wrong.

I have gotten my biggest yeilds per plant doing a scrog grow. I have similar space restrictions but less light. I've gotten 8oz off four small plants, you should be able to veg a little longer (i do short veg) and get that off of two plants... or even one if you veg even longer. They have screens that fit to the individual pot... I've never used them (just chicken wire for me) but they look awesome since you can still remove the plant if you need to.

Since I never top.. my plants end up with odd shapes.... here's one five weeks into flower... notice the nice even side branching canopy and then that crazy cola coming out of the side... if I had topped, that just wouldn't be there and I would have lost all that sweet bud.

Please note that I flowered these less than four weeks after they popped from seed. The intention was to keep them small. Next grow they will be bigger now that I know who the girls are and have clones going.

420 supercropping nice.jpg

About a week later...

SD3 4 weeks Flower.jpg

I agree that NL is a better strain to do this with. I dont think Bubba will make you happy... scrog and supercropping

mellow j

Well-Known Member
Damn, that's some wicked looking branching Cannabisdreams!
I thought long and hard about scroging. Not ready for it yet, ya know..
I thank you for all of this knowledge sir.
So, since im going to be training her, your saying DONT top the main shoot?
Ok, that changes things upffor me. I was going to top( pinch off the top of the main shoot ) then top those new, two shoots to have four, then super crop and keep them tied from popping back up, along with all of the side branching.
If I'm gonna super crop, I don't see the need to lst before super cropping. I'll probably have to veg longer no dought, but wouldn't they both be accomplishing the same things? Level canopy, more tops, but super cropping, from what I understand, like you said, promotes more branching as its the plants response to being injured.
Also, with my mix I have at the moment, happy frog, light warrior, perlite, d lime,,,, do I have to add worm casting if I'm using Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, and Big Bloom bottled nutes?
I real familiar with the trio, and pretty good at reading the plant and using these nutes... Is it better to leave my little mix alone and put the ladies on the bottle?


Well-Known Member
Damn, that's some wicked looking branching Cannabisdreams!
I thought long and hard about scroging. Not ready for it yet, ya know..
I thank you for all of this knowledge sir.
So, since im going to be training her, your saying DONT top the main shoot?
Ok, that changes things upffor me. I was going to top( pinch off the top of the main shoot ) then top those new, two shoots to have four, then super crop and keep them tied from popping back up, along with all of the side branching.
If I'm gonna super crop, I don't see the need to lst before super cropping. I'll probably have to veg longer no dought, but wouldn't they both be accomplishing the same things? Level canopy, more tops, but super cropping, from what I understand, like you said, promotes more branching as its the plants response to being injured.
Also, with my mix I have at the moment, happy frog, light warrior, perlite, d lime,,,, do I have to add worm casting if I'm using Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, and Big Bloom bottled nutes?
I real familiar with the trio, and pretty good at reading the plant and using these nutes... Is it better to leave my little mix alone and put the ladies on the bottle?
I can't answer about the nutes, i keep things really simple there and dont have any experience with any of those.

Its entirely up to you on topping or not. I dont because I believe (and science will back me up) that you are removing a future bud site.. and the main one at that. If you supercrop, the side branches will still shoot up same as in topping. I'm experimenting with both on two clones to see if there is a difference in yield but i am no where near any conclusions.

I see a lot of people top once and then bend out the two new 'mains' once they get three or four nodes on them. This seems to make the plants bushy and very even.

I'm ok with my odd shape, everybody gets enough light, i can still move my plants around (only downside to Scrog in my opinion). Supercropping will work well with scrog as well... ive done that with awesome results.

mellow j

Well-Known Member
Sweet! Hell bro, nothing wrong with that plant. She looks healthy as a mofo! Im anxious to see your results of the side by side comparison. Thats an experiment that I need to see! Im with you on scroging In the aspect of not being able to move the ladies if we need to. I might just not top them or maybe just once, and super crop the side branches. Somewhere around the 3rd node sounds about right? Im just not sure exactly where on the branches to pinch. Right above, or right below a node. I don't know.
If you don't mind me asking, what strains are in those pics? Are they from clone or seed?

And bro, could you maybe, if you will, tell me what worked for you, as far as exactly where on the branch to pinch and bend is optimal, or does it mattet?

Did you lst when they where young, then super crop em, or did you just let em veg a few weeks without training, then super crop?
Thanks so much man! I feel so green having to ask these questions, but I highly respect accomplished growers and there wisdom and appreciate sharing experiences. Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much man! I feel so green having to ask these questions, but I highly respect accomplished growers and there wisdom and appreciate sharing experiences. Thank you!
I resemble that remark.
Cant say I'm accomplished nor highly respected and as far as wisdom......

I am also in similar size space, I have always topped at least once and supercrop and then LST all the way through the stretch during flower.
if plants outside I am not apposed to a little more heavy handedness with forced shaping .... as in they usually have me come by in the middle of the night and just stake the crap out of them as camouflage as they get out of hand in the flower beds. I was taught many years ago that the plant will actually then force more bud sites trying to increase its own reproductive chances. I can't say I ever tried to confirm this scientifically and am really interested in @cannibisdreams side by side comparison. I have snapped 1 inch thick main stems below the first branch and had the plant lay on the ground for a week wilted and thought dead. just to walk by a week later after a rain and have the dang thing try to stand back up.
I found these when setting up my current mock/scrog. I paid 5 bucks apiece but they allow for spinning in the cab and can be removed to outside (until they wont fit out the door) IMG_20150426_085335_478.jpg

