Regardless of whatever I'm doing I like to learn as much possible about the subject and once I know enough about it distill it down to a few essential facts that you can pay to any situation.
This thread has got a lot of good conversations going but for the most when anyone brings up this subject you get a lot people giving you their exact soil mix recipe and a step by step guide but not a whole of the reasoning behind it. The truth is that as far ingredients go there multiple options for most nutrients and supplements with few exceptions.
The best approach is to look for information in general gardening forums and articles and to even go old school and read a few books on the subject. I'm still hearing people talk about the weird old school "tips and tricks" from before weed growers could freely exchange information. Basically the only thing that is really weed specific is the process of harvesting, drying and curing. Everything else is really well established in other fields of agriculture. The one really notable difference is the extra level of attention and effort that we put into our crops. Learn as much as you can from different related areas of agriculture, start off with something simple, and eventually you'll have enough knowledge on the subject to start making confident decisions about more advanced techniques and you'll start looking for the answers to very specific questions.
If you really want to get into it look for classes from your local university extension services and see if you have any master gardener programs in your area. This rabbit hole can for about as far as youre willing to dig. That's why I recommended the B2/Bio-Live combo. It's an easy way to get started without having to worry about figuring out your different ingredients and ratios or having to let the soil sit and activate to break down for awhile before you can use it.